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API Export (English version)
Barbara Turcanova avatar
Autor: Barbara Turcanova
Aktualizováno před více než 2 měsíci

The company settings has a section named “Export of your job postings" with which you can connect Mark with your internal system for the registration of candidates, or with an external ATS.

Clicking on the edit link will take you to a window in which you can choose how you want to obtain information about candidates from the mark system.

The first option, Link for a list of job postings, is used to generate a JSON list of job postings. Enabling this option allows mark to generate a link via which you can access a list of all your job postings in the following format:

{   "companyJobs": [     {       "id": 0000000,       "addDate": "2021-05-11",       "stateId": 1,       "jobTitle": "Názov konania",       "jobExportLink": "https://www.profesia.sk/mark/export-job/00000000000000xxxxxxxxxxx0000000/0000000"     },     {       "id": 1111111,       "addDate": "2021-03-10",       "stateId": 1,       "jobTitle": "Obsluha obchodného domu",       "jobExportLink": "https://www.profesia.sk/mark/export-job/00000000000000xxxxxxxxxxx0000000/1111111"     }   ] }


"id" = job posting ID
"addDate" = job posting creation date
"stateId" = job posting state (1 = active, 2 = ended)
"jobTitle" = name of the job posting
"jobExportLink" = link to a list of responses

Using the address in "jobExportLink" you will get to the JSON with all responses to the given job posting in the following format:

{   "candidates": [     {       "id": 00000000,       "title": "Ing",       "firstname": "Meno",       "surname": "Priezvisko",       "phone": "132456789",       "email": "uchadzac@profesia.sk",       "stage": "Nový",       "isActive": 1,       "isVisible": 1,       "createdAt": "2021-10-27 09:36:32",       "source": "Reakcny formular",       "gender": "male",       "job": {         "id": 4249974,         "title": "Zaujímaví uchádzači",         "addDate": "2021-05-11",         "stateId": 1       },       "notes": [                ],       "history": [         {           "createdAt": "2021-10-27 09:36:34",           "createdBy": "Jožko Mrkvička",           "type": "email",           "value": {             "emailType": 3,             "from": "personalista@profesia.sk",             "to": [               "uchadzac@profesia.sk"             ],             "bcc": [                            ],             "emailTemplate": {               "id": 00000,               "name": "Auto answer"             },             "subject": "Ďakujeme za prejavený záujem o pozíciu",             "body": "HTML obsah emailu",             "attachments": [                           ]           }         },         {           "createdAt": "2021-10-27 09:36:32",           "createdBy": "mark",           "type": "stage",           "value": "Nový"         }       ],       "attachments": [         {           "filename": "sprievodny_text.pdf",           "type": "Sprievodný list",           "url": "https://www.profesia.sk/mark/attachment/get-content/00000000/000000000?authHash=123123123123aaaaaaaa123123123a12"         },         {           "filename": "suhlas_osobne_udaje.pdf",           "type": "Iné",           "url": "https://www.profesia.sk/mark/attachment/get-content/00000000/000000000?authHash=123123123123aa123aa123123123a12"         },         {           "filename": "cv.pdf",           "type": "Životopis",           "url": "https://www.profesia.sk/mark/attachment/get-content/00000000/000000000?authHash=123123123123abbbbbbb123123123a12"         },         {           "filename": "Vysledky_dotaznika_20211027_093634.pdf",           "type": "Výsledky dotazníka",           "url": "https://www.profesia.sk/mark/attachment/get-content/00000000/000000000?authHash=123123123123aaacccaa123123123a12"         },         {           "filename": "Artboard.png",           "type": "Fotografia",           "url": "https://www.profesia.sk/mark/attachment/get-content/00000000/000000000?authHash=123123123123aaaadeff123123123a12"         }       ],       "questionnaire": {         "filename": "questionnaire-results-51087706.pdf",         "type": "Dotazník",         "contents": "dGVzdA==" }     }   ] }

"id" = candidate ID
"title" = academic title
"firstname" = given name
"surname" = surname
"phone" = phone number
"email" = email address
"stage" = candidate stage
"isActive" = rejection, 1 = candidate is active, 0 = candidate was rejected
"isVisible" = anonymization, 1 = candidate is active, 0 = candidate has been anonymized
"createdAt" = response date
"source" = source of candidate (string)
"gender" = gender
"job" = job posting information

"id" = job posting ID
"title" = name of the job posting
"addDate" = job posting creation date
"stateId" = job posting state (1 = active, 2 = ended)

"notes" = HR notes on candidate
"history" = candidate’s history

"createdAt" = date of record in history
"createdBy" = change author
"type" = type of record

copy = copied from-to job posting
email = send email
event = scheduled events
note = note
stage = change in stage
state = change in state
tag = tag added
scheduledEmail = scheduled email

"value" = detail of record in the history (in the case of an email together with the content of the message and the emailType, which can have a value of 1-4, where 1 is forwarded to a colleague, 2 is an email to the candidate, 3 - automatic reply, or 4 - message from the candidate.)

"attachments" = candidate’s attachments

"filename" = file name
"type" = attachment type (CV, consent to processing, questionnaire, photo, etc.)
"contents", alebo "url" = link to the attachment or its base64 value

The second option, Link for sending responses, is used to automatically forward each new response to the URL you selected. The response is then sent in the same JSON format as described for jobExportLink, and immediately after every new response.

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