How to add a team member to a project
Gail Esterhuyse avatar
Written by Gail Esterhuyse
Updated over a week ago

Once your team members have been added to your account, you can invite them to join your projects. This means they will have full access to project boards, schedules and pinboards. Please note, team members will not have access to any project specific information unless invited by the account holder.

  1. Hover your mouse over the project card, and click the cog icon in the top right corner of the card.

  2. One the projects setting page, scroll down to the Team Members section

  3. Click +Add Team Member.

  4. Select your team member from the list; if you have a large number of team members you can search for specific users by typing in their name.

  5. Click Save

To remove a team member from a project, hover over their name and select Delete.

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