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What is Studio WIP?
Gail Esterhuyse avatar
Written by Gail Esterhuyse
Updated over a week ago

Studio WIP is a consolidated view of all tasks across all projects. Rather than clicking into each individual project to view your active tasks, you can now see them all in one organised space. This makes is easier for you to track deadlines, resource staff time and build your weekly program across all projects.

How does it work?

Tasks added to your project board will automatically appear in the Studio WIP list. Tasks are ordered and organised by due date; showing your over due tasks first, tasks due today, tasks due tomorrow, upcoming tasks and finally your unscheduled tasks (without an assigned due date).

Adding & managing tasks in Studio WIP

If you would prefer, you can add project tasks directly from the Studio WIP page. This will save you time navigating into a project board and adding tasks individually. Remember, your project will need to be created before you can add tasks directly from Studio WIP.

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