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Which assets and meta tags does Progressier generate?
Which assets and meta tags does Progressier generate?
Kevin Basset avatar
Written by Kevin Basset
Updated over a week ago

Below is a list of assets and meta tags Progressier automatically generates for your app:

  • 512x512 maskable icon

  • 512x512 macOS/Windows icon

  • mobile-web-app-capable meta tag

  • theme-color meta tag

  • application-name meta tag

  • msapplication-starturl meta tag

  • msapplication-navbutton-color meta tag

  • msapplication-TileImage meta tag

  • msapplication-TileColor meta tag

  • x5-fullscreen meta tag

  • x5-page-mode meta tag

  • browsermode meta tag

  • full-screen meta tag

  • al:web:url meta tag

  • apple-touch-fullscreen meta tag

  • apple-mobile-web-app-capable meta tag

  • apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style meta tag

  • apple-mobile-web-app-title meta tag

  • apple-itunes-app meta tag

  • apple-touch-icon meta tag

  • apple-touch-startup-image (1024x1366 @2x, landscape)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (1024x1366 @2x, portrait)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (834x1194 @2x, landscape)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (834x1194 @2x, portrait)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (834x1112 @2x, landscape)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (834x1112 @2x, portrait)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (820x1180 @2x, landscape)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (820x1180 @2x, portrait)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (810x1080 @2x, landscape)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (810x1080 @2x, portrait)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (768x1024 @2x, landscape)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (768x1024 @2x, portrait)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (744x1133 @2x, landscape)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (744x1133 @2x, portrait)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (430x932 @3x, landscape)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (430x932 @3x, portrait)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (428x926 @3x, landscape)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (428x926 @3x, portrait)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (414x896 @3x, landscape)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (414x896 @3x, portrait)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (414x896 @2x, landscape)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (414x896 @2x, portrait)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (414x736 @3x, landscape)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (414x736 @3x, portrait)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (393x852 @3x, landscape)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (393x852 @3x, portrait)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (390x844 @3x, landscape)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (390x844 @3x, portrait)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (375x812 @3x, landscape)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (375x812 @3x, portrait)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (375x667 @2x, landscape)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (375x667 @2x, portrait)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (320x568 @2x, landscape)

  • apple-touch-startup-image (320x568 @2x, portrait)

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