How are submissions assessed?

What to expect after you have submitted a proposal

Claire Campbell avatar
Written by Claire Campbell
Updated over a week ago

The Project Greenlight team has divided evaluation criteria into three assessment gates:

  • Assessment 1 is a pre-screening of incoming submissions. This ensures proponents meet minimum eligibility thresholds before the Project Greenlight team shares shortlisted submissions with the member.

  • Assessment 2 is related to operational risk. At this step, the Project Greenlight team will work with the member to assess a number of go/no-go criteria before proceeding.

  • Assessment 3 is a more detailed evaluation. It combines information from your proposal with feedback obtained via a dynamic company pitch session. The member will compile this input into a proposal profile, and use it to decide whether to formally launch a project with you.

Assessment 1 will take approximately 30 days from the date of the application deadline. Assessments 2 and 3 may take up to 90 days, depending on the complexity of the challenge. Members offering open challenges may choose to evaluate proposals on a rolling basis, or group them into quarterly or biannual reviews. The Project Greenlight team will regularly email applicants with updates on their proposal. All evaluations will be kept strictly confidential.

We encourage applicants to view the evaluation process as an opportunity for coaching, improvement and development. The process of submitting a proposal and undergoing scrutiny highlights opportunities and creates feedback loops that improves companies and helps their owners understand how best to respond to the needs of large enterprises. Seen in this light, a challenge process is less a win-lose proposition, and more a journey of refinement towards developing a successful enterprise that powers an innovative technology.

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