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Common Law

Common Law and its role on the Próspera Governance Platform.

Daniel Frazee avatar
Written by Daniel Frazee
Updated over a year ago

For an overview of Common Law, see: Common Law

Common law is a foundational component of the Próspera Governance Platform because research shows that common law countries excel economically, delivering prosperity, rule of law, and an accountable culture. Additionally, common law attracts capital and entrepreneurialism. It provides clear liability rules for when wrong is done, incentivizing reasonable action or liability.

Common law allows for freedom of action unless it injures others, aligning with Próspera's principle of default freedom. This encourages responsible innovation and rapid economic development.

By contrast, Civil Law, common in Central and South America, is primarily based on codified laws or statutes rather than court decisions leading to a less flexible regulatory environment and decreased economic output.

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