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Beatport Features & Banners

How do features work on Beatport, and how do you get one?

Jason Wohlstadter avatar
Written by Jason Wohlstadter
Updated over a week ago

Each week the Proton labels receive over 50 features all over Beatport, from banners on the homepage to featured releases on various genre pages. We have a great track record of helping our labels land features, but it's not something we can guarantee: at the end of the day, it's up to Beatport. 

Proton can help our labels submit feature requests to Beatport. This article explain how it all works and what the requirements are! 

If you have trouble getting features even after reading this article, reach out to us for help and we'll be happy to strategize with you.


Once you've read over this entire article, you can ask the Proton team to send you a link to our Beatport Feature Request Submission form.  We strongly recommend reading the full article below before submitting your 1st request!


How do features work at Beatport?

Beatport features are selected by genre editors at Beatport. There are different types of features for each area on Beatport: Slideshow Banners, New Release, Hype Pick, Staff Pick, and the Must Hear Chart.

Your release can be featured in one of three ways:

  1. Beatport's editors listen to your release on their own and like it

  2. Proton requests a feature for you

  3. You sign up for Beatport Hype, read our article on that here.

Each week, Proton sends Beatport our feature requests for all of our key releases.
We cannot request features for all releases, but if you're eligible, we invite you to submit a Beatport feature request! Keep reading for details.

What are the requirements for feature requests?

There are 80,000+ labels on Beatport and over 2000 labels on Proton. We'd love to request features for everyone, but with so many labels in their store, Beatport will generally disregard a feature request from Proton unless one of the following is true:

  • Your label or featured artist has 400 or more followers

  • Your label averages 50 or more sales per release

If your release does not fall into either of these categories, it may be difficult for Proton to request and attain a feature for your release. If you don't meet those requirements, we would probably recommend signing up for Beatport Hype until you meet the requirements.

Having trouble achieving one of these requirements? Get in touch with Proton. We can help you with strategies to grow your label and get more attention.

Important: Even if your label reaches these requirements and Proton requests a feature, Beatport still may not feature you.

What is a feature request? How does it work?

A feature request is a write-up of notable facts & feedback related to your label, your new release, and the artists involved. If you meet the requirements and apply for a feature request, Proton will take your submission and share it with Beatport. If Beatport is impressed, they might feature you.

When is the submission deadline for feature requests?

Submit your feature request by the Press Date listed on your release. To find out what your Press Date is you must first complete & schedule your release in SoundSystem. The Press Date will appear next to your release date.

Submit your feature request by the Press Date, it's the leftmost date displayed in the below screenshot. It appears only after you've scheduled your release!

What should I include my feature request?

No matter how great your release might be, what Beatport pays attention to most is the actual factual evidence that your release will be successful. Positive feedback from Artists & DJs help, but it's the notable facts which make the difference.

Here are example facts that have proven to be successful in getting Beatport's attention:

  • Contest Winner - An artist on your release recently won a remix contest

  • Bestseller - An artist on your release is a Top 100 best-seller on Beatport.

  • Major Radio Support - An artist on your release has recent major radio play.

  • Premieres - Did a major channel premiere your track?

  • Gigs / Tour - An artist on your release has recent high profile events.

  • High Profile Support - Quality feedback from big DJs can help.

  • Beatport Support - Your label or artist has been recently featured by Beatport

  • Chart Support - Your label or artist recently placed highly in a major DJ Top 10

  • Social Media - Your label or artist has 5K+ followers on a major social network.

  • YouTube/SoundCloud Traffic - Play counts for an artist or label over 10K can help!

  • Important Artist Achievements - Your artist has been featured in a prominent ad campaign, released a commercial sample pack, won awards, etc.

  • Standout Artist Information - Your artist is an Olympic athlete, an executive at Google, a circus performer, an airplane pilot, anything outstanding and memorable that might capture Beatport's attention.

Should I include DJ Feedback?

Absolutely! If you want your feature request to be successful, we suggest you promo your release. Proton submits feature requests on the Monday 2 full weeks prior to release, so send your promos at least 3 weeks in advance. Send the feedback your promo receives to Proton as part of your feature request.

If you don't have a promo pool setup yet for your label, let us know, and we can help you get setup with a discount at InFlyte!

My label is non-exclusive on Beatport. Does that hurt my chances?

Exclusive labels have much better chances of getting featured on Beatport. If your label is non-exclusive, submitting a feature request may not be an effective use of your time. Non-exclusive labels can get featured, but feature requests for them are much less effective. If features on Beatport are important, consider going exclusive.

My label is Beatport exclusive. Does it matter how many weeks my release is exclusive?

If your label is Beatport exclusive, your chances of getting a feature are not affected by the number of weeks your label is exclusive on Beatport. By default, Proton labels are 2 week exclusive on Beatport - increasing that to 4 or 8 weeks will not increase your chances of a Beatport feature. 

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