If I run multiple music labels, can I control which DJs & artists get added to each of my labels individually?
Yes! At Proton, each music label has a separate pool of subscribers. Label managers can easily control which DJs and artists they want to add as a subscriber to each of their music labels individually. If you want a subscriber added to multiple music labels that you manage, make sure to add that artist separately to both of your labels.
What if a DJ or artist wants to receive promo notifications via a special email address just for promos?
No problem! By default, artists & DJs will receive promo pool notifications via their usual "pro account" where they get sent contracts, statements, and payments normally via Proton. However, every artist & DJ can configure their account to receive promo pool notifications to a special address just for promo pool notifications.
Artists & DJs can configure this setting on their account page, but only if they've been added as a subscriber to at least 1 promo pool.