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Collection / Product / Variant Analytics

Gain insight into which collections are performing the best

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Written by Ouiteo Team
Updated over a week ago

Analytics helps you immediately identify the collections and products that are performing well. You can quickly view the total products you've sold, how much revenue you got from the sales if products are bought into their cart, and more.

The Analytics tab is divided into 2 parts: Collections and Products / Variants which will give you the details for the various product properties.

Collections Analytics

You can find the complete analytics of your collections on this page. From here, you can view the total Products Sold, Revenue, and Views of the collection. You also have the option to add more column headers in this table, which will provide more details for your analytics.

You can use the Search Bar here to quickly find a collection you want to check. Type the collection's name and hit enter on your keyboard.

Click the sort icon to arrange the column alphabetically (Title) or sort the number and amount (Products Sold, Revenue, Views) based on its value.

Select a header from this drop-down if you need to add more columns to the table

Pro Tip: To hide a column, click the header with a checkmark.

If you need to view all the products inside a collection, click a collection from the list.

You can also choose a date range for your collections analytics and the option to create a custom range.

Once you pick Custom Range from the list, you can set the date using the calendar. Once done, click Apply.

To refresh the collection list, click the Reload button.

Product / Variant Analytics

In the Products Analytics, you can view the complete analytics of all your products and variants. Toggle between the "Products" and "Variants" options to view the specific information you need. Download product info using the export option.

Products view:

Variant view:

Similar to Collections Analytics, you can customize your table's header to see more data for your analytics and easily identify which among your products is performing well.

From this table, you can already identify the product's title, vendor, total products sold, and more. You can add more columns by clicking this drop-down.

To remove a table's header/analytics, click the header's name with a checkmark.

If you need to quickly search for a product, you can type the product's title in the search box.

To view the product in your Shopify admin, click a product from the list.

You can also sort the table alphabetically or sort the numbers and values by clicking the sort icon.

You can also choose a date range for your product's analytics and the option to create a custom range.

Once you pick Custom Range from the list, you can set the date using the calendar. Once done, click Apply.

To refresh the products list, click the Reload button.


Users can now easily download product information from the Analytics page using two available options: CSV or Excel.

Note: Plan Limitations

  • BRONZE / SILVER Plan: Up to 5,000 products.

  • Other Higher Plans: Up to 20,000 products.

And that's a quick overview of the Collections and Products/Variants Analytics. With this Analytics, you can understand and pinpoint the collections that are working well or not. You can optimize your collection by creating new collections and improving marketing channel promotions.

If you have additional questions, you can say hello with our live chat or reach us through email at

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