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Create Product Group

Create product groups and show them next to each other

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Written by Ouiteo Team
Updated over a week ago

Products in the product group will be displayed based on the product's highest position. Creating a Product Group helps visitors and customers quickly add related products to their carts, resulting in higher order value.

Are you ready to create a Product Group? Follow the steps below:

Note: Even if some products in a product group don't exist in a collection, the app will display any products belonging to the product group together

1. Click Collections Sort and select Product Group.

2. Click Create Product Group.

3. Type a unique Product Group name.

4. Use the filters below and complete the required details.

In this example, we want to view all products containing the word "3d".

Let's talk about the different conditions that you can use:

  • All conditions - Selecting this condition means the system MUST filter the products with both conditions you've set. In this example, the system will only show you the products that specifically contain a product title of "3d" AND a product price greater than "30".

  • Any condition - This condition allows you to filter the products that contain ANY of the conditions you've picked. Using the same condition above but with the Any Condition selected. The system will display all products titled "3d" or products with a price greater than "30".

  • Custom - This is the last condition that lets you create a customized condition with the option to include or exclude a condition.

Now that you know how these conditions work, create the filter that best suits your needs.

5. You can combine up to 10 conditions using the + Add another condition button.

6. Click the Bin icon to remove a filter from the list.

7. Once you finish your product filter conditions, click the "Search products" button.

8. Select a product and click the + Add button.

Repeat this step to add more products to the group.

9. To remove a product in the group, select a product and click Delete.

10. Select a Sort type for this particular group.

The sort type allows you to pick a specific sorting type for all the products you've selected, which will be the arrangement of your products in the group.

11. Here are the other options that you can choose:

  • Create products with the conditions above automatically: If this is checked, collection sort will automatically add or remove products to or from the product group before updating your collections.

  • Push up new and restocked products separately: If this is checked, new or restocked products in this product group will be pushed up separately. The rest will be sorted by your sort type and displayed together.

  • Push down out-of-stock products separately: If this is checked, products with 0 inventory will be pushed down to the bottom separately. The rest will be sorted by your sort type and displayed together.

  • Push down this product group when one of product becomes out-of-stock: If this is checked, an entire product group will be pushed down if any of the products within the group become out-of-stock.

  • Use this product group for all collections: if this is checked, this product group will be used for all your advanced collections.

  • Consider products in this group featured: If this is checked, all products in this product group will be pushed up to the top. That is, they will be considered featured products.
    Note: You can only enable this feature if the Push up or Push down checkbox is not selected.

  • Use sort type from product group: When you choose "Consider products in this group featured," this new option becomes available. This option ensures that the sort order within the product group remains unchanged, even if it's considered Featured.

12. Once done, click Save to create this new product group.

13. Now that you have your new Product Group, you can use it in the View Collections and Collection Details pages.

That's it!

If you have additional questions, you can say hello with our live chat or reach us through email at

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