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Push Down/Up Products Advanced Options

Understanding your Product's Push Down/Up Advanced Options

Ouiteo Team avatar
Written by Ouiteo Team
Updated over a week ago

Ouiteo's product sorting feature, which automatically pushes down and up products based on availability or newness, is highly advanced and beneficial for organizing your collection. However, did you know this feature also offers advanced settings that can enhance its sorting capabilities even further?

This article will show you how to access the Advanced Options for Automatic Push Down and Automatic Push Up products. We will also explain how each setting can be used, such as:

  • Other Settings (considering restocked products new, returning restocked products to previous positions,

  • Push up / down featured products with tag(s)) for your product collections.

Pro tip: Always click the Save button to apply your settings before leaving this page.

Push Down Out-Of-Stock Products Advanced Options

To use the Advanced options of the pushdown out-of-stock product, follow these steps:

1. Go to Collections Sort, and click Collection Detail.

2. Click Sorting Options in Settings.

3. To use Push down out-of-stock products, click the toggle to enable it.

4. Once this is enabled, click Advanced options.

5. Click this checkbox if you want all products in your Shopify admin page with "Continue selling when out of stock" to be pushed down from your collection.

6. If you want to push down all products with no images, click this checkbox.

7. To automatically push down featured products with 0 inventory, click this checkbox.

8. Click this checkbox to include locked products that you want to be automatically pushed down.

9. You can also use other settings from here, which are:

  • Inventory < or =: Type the inventory stock to determine the products to push down.

    Once you have added the inventory stock condition, choose where it will be applied:

    • In total: Choose this option to use the total inventory.

    • In all variants: This is to push down products when all of the variants within the product have inventory levels below your threshold.

    • In any variant: This is to push down products that have any variants with inventory levels below your threshold.

    • In any specific variants: Choose this option to consider any particular variants with the SKUs (up to 4 texts).

    • In all specific variants: This option is to consider all the particular variants with the SKUs (up to 4 texts).

    • In specific variants: This option is to consider particular variants [(all A and B) OR (all C and D)] with the SKUs (up to 4 texts).

    • Let's take an example involving Product A and its corresponding variants (A, B, and C). In this scenario, Variant A has 10, B has 5, and C has 6 in stock and the condition being considered is "<= 6".

      When using the three different options to determine the out-of-stock status:

      1) In total: When summing up the stock counts across all variants (10 + 5 + 6 = 21), the total exceeds the threshold of 6. Consequently, Product A is not classified as out of stock.

      2) In all variants: Only Variant B meets the condition (Variant A = 10, Variant B = 5, Variant C = 6). As a result, Product A is not considered out of stock using this method.

      3) In any variant: Variants B and C both adhere to the condition with stock counts of 5 and 6, respectively. This leads to Product A being considered out of stock according to the "In Any Variant" approach.

      4) In any specific variants: Users can specify variants with SKU text, for example, A and B. In this case, Product A is out of stock because variant B is equal to 5.

      5) In all specific variants: Users can specify variants with SKU text, A and B. In this case, Product A is not out of stock because both variant's stock should be less than or equal to 6.

      6) In specific variants: Users can specify variants with SKU text, A, B, and C. In this case, Product A is not out of stock because either (variants A and B) is less than or equal to 6 OR (variants B and C) is less than or equal to 6.

10. Lastly, enable this option to avoid pushing down products with tags. You can add up to 4 texts. These words will help the app find products that have similar tags you want to be excluded.

11. Remember to click Save to save your configurations.

Push Up New Products Advanced Options

To use the Advanced options of the push up new product, follow these steps:

1. Go to Collections Sort, and click Collection Detail.

2. Click Sorting Options in Settings.

3. To use Push up new products, click the toggle to enable it.

4. Then click Advanced options.

5. Set the number of days before a product is considered new.

6. Enable this option if you want to use the Created date instead of the Published date for the automatic push up of new products.

By default, new products are chosen based on their Published Dates.

Other Settings

This section will explain how to use the following settings:

Consider restocked products new

1. Click the Consider restocked products new toggle to enable it.

Once this setting is enabled, all products you will restock in your collection will be automatically considered new.

2. Click Advanced Options to see more options.

3. Set the number of products the system will check before being considered restocked.

Return restocked products to previous positions,

If you want to set the position of the products to their default positions, enable this setting.

Note: Make sure that your sort type is set to Manually.

Push up / down featured products with tag(s)

If you want to automatically push up or down featured products with tags, enable this setting.

By default, the system pushes up featured products with tags. To change this to push down, click the option Push down instead (Default: 'Push up').

You can specify which products will be pushed up/down by using the option "Tag(s) with the following text(s) will be selected (up to 4)". These texts will help the app find products that have similar tags you want to be pushed up.

Exclude inventory from selected location(s)

If you want to exclude a location's inventory, you can choose from this list.

Note: If all locations are selected, the first in the list will be unselected.

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