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Create Sale Badge

Notify buyers of products that are for sale and get more deals

Ouiteo Team avatar
Written by Ouiteo Team
Updated over a week ago

The Sale Badge helps you highlight some of your products for sale using a small banner. You can also highlight the products you want to promote using the Sale Badge.

This article is divided into two parts. Feel free to jump to the part where you want to learn more.

Part 1: Choosing a Sale Badge

Part 1: Choosing a Sale Badge

To choose a Sale Badge, follow the steps:

1. Navigate to Sales Manager and click Sale Badge.

2. Click + Create Sale Badge.

3. In the Create Sale Badge, you will be given three choices on how your Sale Badge will look like:

  • Sale Badge (Default): This tab displays the default Sale Badges you can use. There are only two elements you can change here: the Background Colour and Text Colour.

    1. To edit your selected Sale Badge, click the Edit icon.

    2. Change the Background and Text colour according to your preferences.

    3. Once done, click Save.

    Pro tip: You can check the Preview sale badge section to see the actual design and positioning of the sale badge.

  • Customisable Badge: This tab provides Sale Badges that contain more elements that can be configured based on your preference. Aside from customising the Background and Text Color, you can edit the badge's text, font size, and dimensions.

    1. To edit your selected Sale Badge, click the Edit icon.

    2. Use the element controls to customize each element you want to change.

    3. Once done, click Save.

Uploaded Badge: If you need to use your Sale Badge, then this is the tab where you want to go.

1. Click the Upload custom badge button.

Note: You can upload up to 5 sale badges here.

2. Click the Upload Badge icon.

Pro tip: For best results, please follow our guidelines here:

File extension: PNG, JPG, or JPEG
Maximum file size: 2MB
File Dimension: 120px x 120px

3. Once you have successfully picked the badge you want to use, click Upload.

4. Click Okay.

5. Then select the badge you just uploaded.

Part 2: Configuring Sale Badge

After designing your Sale Badge, configure it with these steps:

1. Type the name of the Sale Badge.

2. Choose where to position the Sale Badge.

3. Select your target.

Here are the different targets that you can choose:

  • Target specific products: Choose this option if you want to display the Sale Badge on the products of your choice.

    1. Once this option is clicked, hit Select Products.

    2. Choose the products from the list.

    Pro tip: Use the Search Bar to quickly find a product.

    3. To remove all your chosen products, click Clear selection.

    4. Once done, click Submit.

  • Target products associated with collection: Use this option to display the Sale Badge on all the products that belong to your chosen collection.

    1. To start targeting a collection, click Select Collection.

    2. Select a collection from the list.

    Pro tip: Use the Search Bar to quickly find your collection.

    3. Once done, click Submit.

  • Target products associated with price editor bulk job: This option will display the Sale Badge on the products scheduled for bulk edit.

    1. Once this target is selected, click Select Job.

    Note: If you enable this toggle, changes to the badge will be allowed whenever a job change is performed.

    2. Select a bulk edit task from the list and click Submit.

    3. This will now display the bulk edit task that you've picked.

  • Target products associated with sales campaign: This option will display the Sale Badge of the products related to your chosen sales campaign.

    1. Once this option is selected, click the Select Campaign button.

    Note: When this toggle is enabled, any updates in the Sales Campaign will also reflect in the Sale Badge. Once a Sales Campaign is paused, it will deactivate the linked Sale Badge.

    2. Select a campaign from the list and click Submit.

4. If you want your sale badge to continuously display until you deactivate the badge, enable the Always show toggle.

5. To set a scheduled badge, click the Schedule Badge Visibility - One Time tab, then select the start and end date.

6. You also have the option to recur a schedule by clicking the Schedule Badge visibility - Repeat button and setting up the frequency of how it will be repeated.

7. Once you've scheduled the Sale Badge, enable the Status to Activated.

Note: Before activating your sale badge, you must carefully review a couple of checklists. First, you should only enable the Sale Badge when you have already created an advanced schedule. You can activate multiple badges simultaneously as long as they are scheduled in advance and don't overlap. Last but not least, your current schedule should always be within the range of the Start and End date you've set.

8 . Review your Sale Badge design and configurations. If you are happy with the results, click Submit to create and schedule the Sale Badge.

9. Once you successfully create your Sale Badge, you will be prompted if you want to preview the badge on your store. To do so, click Yes.

10. You will be redirected to your store's website to view your Sale Badge.

11. You can always go back to the Sale Badge tab if you need to edit, delete, or see the preview of it.

That's it!

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