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Sales Manager View

An overview of the Sales Manager View

Ouiteo Team avatar
Written by Ouiteo Team
Updated over a week ago

The Sales Manager View exhibits all the Sales campaigns that have been created in the system. You can conveniently access and examine the specifics of each campaign from here, and you are empowered to manage them too. Moreover, you can switch between the default List View or Calendar View, as per your preference, to alter your display of the Sales Manager View.

To access the Sales Manager View, navigate to Sales Manager and click Sales Manager View.

If you need to create a new sales campaign, click the Create Sales Campaign button and follow the steps found in this article.

Calendar View

If you want to change your view of how your Sales Campaign is displayed, click the Calendar View tab.

Once you are in the Calendar View, you can directly view the campaign details by hovering your mouse over the campaign you want to check.

You also have the option to either display the Price Editor or Sales Campaign only. By default, both are shown.

To switch your calendar view to a weekly view type, click the Week tab.

List View

Are you looking for a Sales Campaign? Switch to List View and use the Search Box to find a campaign quickly.

You can also sort the campaign list based on its status. Click Filter and choose the status you want to display in the list.

To refresh the Sales Manager View, click Reload.

This drop-down lets you choose the header column you want to display on the list of Sales Campaigns.

A checkmark indicates that the header column is currently displayed.

To view the details of your Sales Campaign, click the Details action.

If you need to pause a Sales Campaign, click the Pause icon.

If you want to resume the Sales Campaign, click the Schedule icon.

To repeat the schedule of the Sales Campaign, click the Repeat icon.

And that's the quick overview of the Sales Manager View!

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