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Products Analytics

Gain insight into which products are performing the best

Ouiteo Team avatar
Written by Ouiteo Team
Updated over a week ago

Analytics helps you immediately identify the products that are performing well. With Products Analytics, you are provided with the complete details of the number of products sold, cart to views, checkout to views, and all other vital information to quickly pinpoint the best products your customers frequently purchase.

Here's how you can access the Product's Analytics:

1. Navigate to Analytics.

2. From this page, you will already see a table that contains all the details about your products.

3. This area list the current products displayed and the total number of products in the record.

4. You also have the option to set the period of the displayed products

Choose Custom Range if you want to set a customized period of the Products Analytics.

Once you are done setting the custom range, click Apply.

5. To view the product in your Shopify admin, click a product from the list.

6. If you are looking for a particular product, use the Search Box to find it quickly.

7. You also have the option to arrange the table (least to most, a to z) by clicking a column header.

8. To add more header columns, click this drop-down and select the column you want to display in the table.

A checkmark indicates that the header is currently displayed. You can remove it from the table by clicking the header that has a checkmark on it.

9. Lastly, to reload the details of the table, click the Reload button.

And that's the quick overview of the Products Analytics!

If you have additional questions, you can say hello with our live chat or reach us through email at

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