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View Collections
Priya Shet avatar
Written by Priya Shet
Updated over a week ago

You can see all your collections inside the View Collections tab in the main menu. From here, you can filter and sort out your collections immediately, export them CSV, or edit multiple collections at once using Mass Update.

1. Navigate to Collections Sort and click View Collections.

Note: The "Products" column is now available to show the count of products within each collection.

2. Click Filter to start sorting your collections.

3. Choose the filter(s) that you want to use and click Apply:

  • Basic Filter: This filter includes products that are more than 0, products with its auto sort set to on/off, collections already published, etc.

  • Filter by Update: This filter displays collections based on their update frequency.

  • Filter by Sort Type: Use this filter to display collections based on its Sort Type settings.

4. Once you have picked the filters of your choice, you can now edit the collection. Click the collection(s) you want to sort first and click the Sort Now action to sort them immediately.

Pro tip: Use the Search Box to find a collection you want to edit quickly.

5. To view all the products in the collection, click the Details action.

6. Click the Settings action to configure the collection's auto-sorting process or automatic push down/up of products.

7. If you need to sort a collection individually, click the Sort Now action.

8. To update the settings of your collections all at once, select the collection(s) you want to edit.

9. Once done, click Mass Update.

10. Choose the settings you want to apply and click Save, or if you're going to both Save and Sort your collection, click Save and Sort now.

11. You also have the option to download the CSV file of your collection by clicking the Export button.

Pro tip: You can export specific collections only by clicking the corresponding checkbox. If you want to export all collections, click the select all checkbox.

12. Lastly, click the Reload button to refresh your collection list and view the latest collection from your store.

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