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Tara Bennet avatar
Written by Tara Bennet
Updated over a year ago

NAVIGATION Modules > Patch Management > History

SECURITY Patch > View Policy

SECURITY Patch > Edit Policy

The History page provides a journal of patch management activity for all endpoints in your environment. It surfaces important information about patch availability, any matched rules that triggered the patching attempt, and whether the patch was successfully applied to the device.

This article describes the page's layout and functions.


  1. To access the History page, in the left navigation menu of your Pulseway instance, click Patch Management > History.

  2. The page will load.

3. As you navigate, you'll see the following features and fields:

Page features



Search field

Enter a partial or whole value to filter current view to matching records

Filter by

Click to select additional criteria by which you can refine your search

Patch status journal

Provides a log, sorted by date, of patch actions on your endpoints and the outcomes of those action

Patch status journal




Assigned hostname of the endpoint


Indicates the outcome of the patch action at the time of its execution; possible values are OS Updates Were Installed, Software Updates Were Installed, No Available Updates, or Errors


Brief synopsis of the patch action's outcome; click any entry in the patch status journal to view a detailed event log for the selected action



The date, in M/DD/YYYY format, on which the patch action occurred

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