Install PureVPN Chrome Extension
To add the PureVPN Extension to your Chrome browser, follow these instructions:
To get the Chrome extension, click on the link. Then, click Add to Chrome button.
Click Add extension.
PureVPN Chrome Extension has been successfully added to Chrome.
Create account and get 7-day free trial
Open PureVPN Chrome Extension from your browser. Click the PureVPN icon at the top-right corner of the browser.
Click the option Don't have an account? Get PureVPN.
Click Start free button to get a 7-day free trial.
Enter your details and select your desired payment method to proceed further.
Login & connect PureVPN Chrome Extension
Click the PureVPN icon at the top-right corner of the browser.
Enter your PureVPN credentials & press Login.
Note: Your login details are your email address and the password you set up during the purchase process.
Note: If you have multiple subscriptions, you will be given an option to choose the credentials you want to log in with. Select username & tap ‘Ok’
Click Connect button.
You are now connected.