Discover how to manually configure OpenVPN on your Android device with PureVPN. Follow our step-by-step guide for Android OpenVPN manual setup and enjoy a seamless browsing experience with PureVPN's comprehensive VPN solution.
Find your VPN credentials for manual configuration
Login to Member Area account with your email and password.
Tap Hamburger icon (β‘) from the top right.
Tap Subscriptions section.
Scroll down the page.
Tap Eye icon you can see system generated password.
Downloading OpenVPN files
You may proceed to download the recommended OpenVPN files for Android from this π link.
Save the files and extract them.
Download and Install OpenVPN connect app
From Play Store download OpenVPN Client Or Open this link to download.
Connecting the OpenVPN Client
After installation tap Open.
Tap Agree then select File tab.
Access the folder to import downloaded OVPN files.
Navigate to the downloaded OpenVPN files and select your desired server from UDP or TCP folder, then Tap Import.
Enter your PureVPN credentials. Here is how you can find your VPN credentials.
Tap OK.
You are Connected now.