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Apple TV Release Notes

Learn about all the latest PureVPN Apple TV app updates including the UI enhancements, bug fixes, new features and much more!

Updated over a year ago

Version 2.5.0

Updated: 20-January-2024


  • We've added servers to enhance your streaming experience. Now, enjoy your favorite channels hassle-free with PureVPN.

Version 2.3.0

Updated: 10-December-2023


  • Not a whole lot of excitement on our end, just the usual bug squashing and our sign-up page getting a tiny makeover!

Version 2.1.0

Updated: 13-October-2023


  • In this release, we have worked diligently to enhance the app's features so that you have the best experience possible.

  • The connection-related issue that occurred in previous build while making connection with recent locations is now resolved.

  • We would love to hear from you on how we're doing and how we could do better. Let us know by leaving a rating, you can find the option whenever you make connection in the app.

Version 2.0.0

Updated: 05-October-2023


  • In this release, we're thrilled to announce the launch of a 30-day trial for PureVPN on Apple TV. This trial is designed to make it effortless for you to experience and evaluate our app.

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