Dynamic Reporting
Written by James Larson
Updated over a week ago

Session Data Reporting

This section displays set output data for every athlete on currently selected team, for the selected date. The User can select exercise and two metrics (X1 and X2) to display data for, which will populate the reporting to show all sets performed for that exercise by every user and the set-level averages of the two selected metrics for every set performed.

Example: Bench Press is the selected exercise and 'Average Velocity' is one of the selected metrics. If User A performs one set of Bench Press consisting of 3 reps with velocities of 1.0m/s, 1.1m/s, and 1.2m/s, the 'Average Velocity' column in the reporting table would show the value of 1.1m/s for User A for that set.

Only Session Data is included in this table, and there will be no Test result data displayed. The User can however see set output data for the Test session performed.

Example: If an Athlete performs a Submaximal 1RM Bench Press Test on a given day, the Coach can see the individual set metrics for all the sets performed in that Test, but they won't see the estimated 1RM value from the Test. The data will look the exact same as any other Bench Press sets done on the same day.

The X1 and X2 metric lists will both have the same options available for selection, but the User has the option to choose 'None' for X2. By default X1 will have 'Average Velocity' selected and X2 will have 'Load' selected.

The table will always show at least 5 set columns, even if 5 sets of the selected exercise on the selected day have not been performed by any Athlete in the reporting table list. When there is no data for a User for that set then '--' is shown instead of a metric value.

There will be a column to show aggregate values for all reps performed on that day for the selected X1 and X2 metrics for each Athlete.

Example: The minimum value for 'Average Velocity' for all reps done that day for that Athlete. Currently the aggregate options are 'Average', 'Min', and 'Max'.

Since the Session aggregates are across all reps they will generally not match the data in the columns of the table, since those are all set averages. The set aggregates will be laid out across the displayed set values so they more closely match what is actually displayed.

There are two rows at the bottom of the page to show Team aggregate values for the selected metrics for the selected exercise for that day. The team aggregate options are 'Average', 'Min', and 'Max'.

The Team level values are above all Users for each set for each metric.

Example: If showing 'Team Average', and 3 Users did one set of Back Squat, then the displayed data represents the average of their set averages for the selected metric for Back Squat.

User1 avg velocity for set 1 = 1.0m/s
User2 avg velocity for set 1 = 1.1m/s
User3 avg velocity for set 1 = 1.2m/s

The Team level average for the above sets is 1.1. The amount of reps in each set or their individual velocities are not the distinguishing factor, what is important are the set level velocities. Therefore, if one User performs 10 reps with a set velocity of 1.0 m/s and another User performs 2 reps with a set velocity of 2.0 m/s, the overall Team average is 1.5m/s.

The User can export all the raw Session or Test Data information as a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file, which is a universal text format that can be read by virtually any spreadsheet software.

The User must click the 'Export' button, then choose the desired data type; either raw Session Data with all metrics for every rep, or Test result data with calculated test results. They must then choose the Date Range and the Athletes to export data for, followed by clicking the 'Export' button.

The CSV file will be generated on the server and when downloaded a popup with the file download will open in the User's browser. A notification will also appear informing them that the CSV has been generated. The notification contains information on how to enable popups for specific sites since by default all browsers will block the popup.

Exercise Select

All exercises performed by Athletes on the current Team for the selected date will be displayed in the exercise select, in alphabetical order. If an Athlete performed an exercise that the currently logged in Coach does not have access to, it will be displayed as 'Deleted Custom Exercise'. This can happen if the exercise has been deleted, or a Coach of a different Team created it before the Team this Coach is Coach of existed.

Attendance and Adherence

Information on Athlete attendances/adherence for a selected time frame, along with data on what was scheduled for them and what they actually performed.

Attendance columns refer to session level information; how many Sessions were scheduled in a specified time frame for each Athlete and how many Sessions the Athlete complete in that time frame (this will ignores 'Train Mode' sessions).

NOTE: If an athlete had a Session scheduled for outside the specified time frame in the report, but they performed the Session in the specified time frame (e.g. a week later than scheduled), then that would count towards the number of scheduled Sessions done only. This means an Athlete could theoretically complete 'more' than 100% of scheduled sessions in a timeframe, but to simplify the report the Portal system will always round the number of sessions done down to 100% in this case.

Adherence columns refer to rep level information; how many reps were scheduled in a specified time frame for each Athlete and how many they performed in that time frame.

Number scheduled > Number performed when an Athlete is skipping reps in their scheduled workouts.

Num scheduled > Num performed when an Athlete is adding extra reps to their scheduled workouts. The Portal system uses rep level instead of volume load because it is common for Coaches to not prescribe any load and leave it up to the Athlete to set loads as they perform sets and exercises.

Rest Efficiency

The 'Rest Efficiency' columns refer to the number of minutes of rest prescribed to the Athlete compared to how much time the Athlete actually spent resting. Only sets that have a target rest time set for them will count toward this.

Example: If an Athlete has 10 sets prescribed, but only one of them contained a target rest time, then only that one set is used to calculate total rest time and prescribed rest time.

In this example if that Athlete has 60s rest prescribed for that one set, and they rest for 120s after that set, and they also rest for 120s after all the other sets, then their overall rest efficiency will be 2/1.

It is not possible to be greater than 100% efficient, so if the Athlete rests over the prescribed time then the percentage efficiency calculations is as follows:

 (1 - (restDone / restScheduled) - 1)

Therefore, if an Athlete rested for 11m but the Coach prescribed 10m, then the Athlete will log a 90% efficiency score.

Conversely, it is also not possible to be negatively efficient either. Therefore, if you are < 0% efficient (rested over 100% of what was prescribed) the system will round it up to 0%.

E.g. If an Athlete rested for 3mins after a set that had a prescribed rest time of 1min, then this will be displayed as that Athlete having 0% rest efficiency for that set.

Training Effectiveness

The 'Training Effectiveness' column is an average of the three % columns in this table (Attendance %, Adherence %, and Rest Efficiency %). If no rest was prescribed then this simply represents the average of attendance % and adherence %.

Training effectiveness cannot be greater than 100%. Therefore, if the average of the other columns is greater than 100%, Training Effectiveness is reported as 100%.

Examples: 2 Sessions prescribed with 5 sets in each and no rest. Athlete performs both sessions but only 7 sets in total. The attendance % in this case is 100%  (2 of 2 sessions performed) and adherence % is 70% (7 of 10 sets performed). There was no rest scheduled, therefore training effectiveness = (100 + 70) / 2 = 85%.

If the User has the same Sessions scheduled again (2 sessions, 10 sets total) but the Coach also prescribes 30s rest for each set (300s rest total), and the User performs both Sessions and all sets but only takes 200s rest total, then Training Effectiveness = (100 + 100 + 66) / 3 = 89%.

The Attendance report is printable! To do so, the User must choose the Print action (ctrl-P, File > Print) from their browser while on that page and it will print a formatted version.

Session Totals

Displays totals calculated across all Sessions performed by a User in the specified date range.

The Data included in this report is outlined below:

Total Time: Total time for all Workouts in selected date range (time between workout starting and last set being completed)

Active Time: Total time the PUSH band was green during all Workouts in selected date range.

Rest: Total time the PUSH band was NOT green during all Workouts in selected date range.

T.U.T.: Time Under Tension. Sum of all total time while under load during reps (this will not be the exact same as active time, as the PUSH band can be green while the Athlete is not under tension/performing a rep).

Volume: Number of reps * number of sets performed in a Session

Volume load: Total mechanical load lifted in a Session, not including body weight. This is displayed in the units currently selected by the User in their account settings. Units display in the column header, not in column values.

Volume Density: Volume load / total time (in minutes). Units are (load unit)/(minutes).

Work: Total metabolic work performed for all Sessions in the specified date range (kJ).

Work Density: Total of work/total time (min) for all sessions performed in the selected date range. Units = kJ/min

RPE: The Average of all RPE's entered for all sessions in the selected date range.

%RM: The average of all reps performed with exercises that have a 1RM value set for that Athlete, along with what percent of their 1RM the athlete performed their sets. This ignores exercises that have no 1RM currently set.

Example: 5 reps of Back Squat at 100lbs, and 5 reps of Back Squat at 150lbs. Athlete 1RM is 200lbs, so this column would be calculated as (5 * 50%) + (5 * 75%) / 10

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