Team Dashboard
Alexander Kato avatar
Written by Alexander Kato
Updated over a week ago

Team Performance

This graph shows team-wide metrics for a selected date range. The User can display the data in a daily or weekly view. The following metrics are available:

  • Volume Load - Sum of all external loads lifted by all athletes on the current team for a specific day/week. In lbs or kg, this metric is an expression of mechanical work performed.

  • Total Work - Sum of all work done by all athletes on the current team for a specific day/week. In kJ, this metric is an expression of both mechanical and metabolic work performed.

  • %1RM - Average of all mean %RMs for each athlete for a specific day/week. %RM for an individual athlete for a single repetition is the percentage of their 1RM for the exercise that they are currently performing.

    *Example: Athlete One has a 100lbs Back Squat 1RM and performs repetitions (reps) with 50lbs, Athlete One is using 50% of their 1RM and their %RM = 50%. If they then performed reps with 75lbs then their working %RM would be 67%.

    *Example: Athlete One does 5 reps at 10% 1RM, and Athlete Two does 2 reps at 30% and 50% 1RM respectively. Athlete One would have a working average of 10% 1RM for that day, whereas Athlete Two would have an average of 40% 1RM for that day. The team average would therefore be 10% + 40% / 2 = 25% 1RM.

  • RPE - Average of all mean RPE values entered by all Athletes on the current team for a specific day/week. This is calculated using the same equation as when determining the %1RM average for a Team.

You can select to plot data for a single Athlete on the chart by clicking the 'Compare Athlete' button. Once the desired Athlete is selected, their data for the currently selected Volume/Intensity metrics and date range will be plotted on the existing Team graph for easy comparison between the two. If the Athlete has no data for the selected date range the 'Compare Athlete' button will be grey with a hover tooltip explaining there is no data.

NOTE: Performance Limitations

If a team contains more than 50 athletes Portal will only allow the user to select 30 days of data to display. This is to avoid there being too much data to process at once which may cause the browser to crash.

Today's Activity

This table shows athlete-specific information for the current day, including information for scheduled sessions that have no resistance training components in them. Non-resistance training components (e.g. Warmups, Cooldowns, and Speed/Agility/Conditioning components) are not included in any actual metric calculations, they are only included in 'Workout Status' displays. Clicking on the name or image of an Athlete in this table takes you to their athlete dashboard.

  • 'Workout Status' - Anything scheduled for that athlete on the selected date, and how much of these they've completed. Possible statuses are:

  • 'Not Scheduled' - nothing has been scheduled for the athlete on the date selected

  • 'Train Mode' - the athlete performed a Train Mode or Test session and has nothing else scheduled on the date selected

  • 'Scheduled' - at least one workout has been scheduled for the athlete on the date selected and it has not been started or completed

  • 'In Progress' - the athlete has started the workout(s) they have scheduled for the date selected, but has not completed all of them

  • 'Completed' - the athlete has fully completed all workouts they have scheduled for the date selected.  Fully completed means they performed all prescribed sets OR they marked the session as completed.

  • Available metrics are the same as the Team Performance graph (Volume Load, Total Work, %1RM, and RPE)

Status Logic:

  • If the User has workouts scheduled for the selected date but none are completed their status display will state 'Scheduled'. This is irrespective of whether they have performed Train Mode workouts on their own on this date as the 'Scheduled' tag takes hierarchical precedence.

  • If the User has workouts scheduled on the selected date and all are done, their status will be displayed as 'Completed'.

  • If the User has workouts scheduled for the selected date and they are only partially completed (either multiple workouts and only some completed, or one workout and it has been started but not completed) their status will be displayed as 'In Progress'.

  • If the User has nothing scheduled for the selected date and they didn’t perform any workouts their status will be displayed as 'Not Scheduled'.

  • If the User has nothing scheduled for the date selected BUT they performed Train Mode and/or Tests their status will be displayed as 'Train Mode'.

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