Alexander Kato avatar
Written by Alexander Kato
Updated over a week ago

In the PUSH mobile app there are two kinds of exercises: tracked and manual entry exercises.

Tracked exercises are tracked by the PUSH band, providing output metrics for every rep performed. Manual Entry are exercises PUSH does not track with the PUSH band yet, but the User can select these to log the exercise regardless. Within the tracked exercises there exists a subset that can be tracked in real-time, which allows the User to view repetition outputs 'live' on the mobile app display as they are performed.

Custom Exercises

Users can create their own exercises using Portal. To do this they must follow the below steps:

  1. Go to the Workout/Resistance Training Component creator or editor page.

  2. If the User creates a new Resistance Training Component they need to enter the name of the Component first and click 'Start Building' or hit 'Enter' on the keyboard.

  3. The 'Add Exercise' form should appear. From here there are two options to create a custom exercise:

Option A) The User types in the name of an exercise but does not select one of the available options from the dropdown that appears. Once the exercise name has been type the Use must then click the green field called "+ Create New" that will appear on the right hand side above the exercise field which they then click to open the create exercise form.

Option B) Next to the Exercise field there is a list icon the User can click to open the Exercise List dialog. Once this opens the user can click the 'Create New' button and complete the form steps as outlined below:

Create New Exercise Form Steps

The 'Create New Exercise' form has a number of different construction options (see screenshot of form below:

Name of the exercise

Instructions: Custom instructions on how to perform the exercise. Athletes will see this on their VBT mobile app display to help them perform the movement with correct technique.

Equipment: Equipment used to perform the exercise. Only one type of equipment can be selected (e.g. Barbell or Pulley Machine).

Use Same Algorithm As...: This allows the User to assign an algorithm to the exercise they are trying to create and track output metrics using the PUSH band. To do so the User must select a similar algorithm as an existing exercise that is related to the exercise they are trying to create (e.g. the 'Back Squat Concentric' algorithm would be chosen if the User creates the exercise 'Box Squat from Low Box').

Video Link: A video link (Note: can only be a YouTube video link) that the athlete can view in the VBT mobile app after accessing their scheduled training session. Usually used as a supplement to the Instructions to demonstrate correct exercise technique to the athlete.

Once the 'Create New Exercise' form has been completed the User must click 'Create' to save the new exercise and have it accessible in the exercise library.

By default any exercises created are shared with EVERYONE in the User's Organization.


An Organization has one Head Coach, two Teams (Team 1 and Team 2), and an Assistant Coach on each team (Assistant 1 is a Coach of Team 1 and Assistant 2 is a Coach of Team 2).

If Assistant 1 creates an exercise it is visible to all Athletes and Coaches in Team 1 AND Team 2, and for any future Teams created for this Organization, even though Assistant 1 can't actually see any Athletes or data for Team 2.

Deleting Custom Exercises

Any Coach in an Organization can delete any custom exercises created by any other Coach in their Organization. This is a 'soft delete' however as it means the exercise document is marked as deleted, but the actual document is not removed from the database.

This way the Portal system knows not to show any exercise marked deleted in the exercise list, and Coaches can no longer schedule future routines with this exercise, but since the actual document still exists the VBT mobile app and Portal still recognize and display the exercise in any older routines that still have it scheduled.

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