What is 'Show Peaks'?

How to turn on 'Show Peaks' in the PUSH Pro Application

Alexander Kato avatar
Written by Alexander Kato
Updated over a week ago

In the PUSH Pro Application, 'Show Peaks' refers to showing either the peak velocity or peak power outputs achieved for each repetition after a set.

​NOTE: The peak value expresses the peak output obtained during the concentric, not the eccentric, portion of the lift.

To enable 'Show Peaks' select the PUSH Band icon in the top right hand corner.

This will take you to the 'Band Connected' screen, select 'Show Peaks' to turn it on or off.

Finally, select 'Done'.

NOTE: If you are making these changes with a Coaches' profile within the PUSH Pro Application, you will be prompted to apply any changes to all athletes in the organization, to continue, select "Apply to All".

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