What is 'Train Mode'?

Train Mode Interface Overview

Alexander Kato avatar
Written by Alexander Kato
Updated over a week ago

'Train Mode' is a central feature within the PUSH Application, and is the first screen interface you see when logging into your account. Train Mode is designed to allow you to build a resistance training session on the fly, from start to finish, with no pre-programming required. This includes the ability to prescribe any key training parameters (e.g. load, absolute/relative velocity loss cutoffs, velocity targets based on desired training adaptation).

The below picture provides a visual breakdown of the main screen components, the legend that follows outlines each component's functionality and purpose:

1 - Features Menu

Clicking this icon will summon the features tab bar, which allows you to navigate between all of the different features and sections within the app. This includes "Testing", "Schedule" and "Settings".

2 - PUSH Band

This section allows you to quickly connect/disconnect your PUSH Band, toggle between "Body Mode" and "Bar Mode", as well as adjust which metrics are shown in the application.

3 - Adding & Switching Athletes

Add athletes to the "Train Mode" screen by clicking the "+" icon and selecting a profile from your team. Toggle between athletes by clicking on their profile.

4 - Scheduled Sessions

Workouts scheduled with the PUSH Portal will appear here. Click on the scheduled workout to get a detailed view and begin the workout.

5 - Adding Exercises

Click and hold this icon to add any exercise from our existing exercise library. If you'd like to change the existing exercises available on the "Train Mode" screen, click and hold on that exercise to be directed to the exercise library.

6 - Access Exercise Library

Click "More Exercises" to view and select an exercise from our database. Selecting an exercise this way will not add the exercise to the "Train Mode" screen.

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