What is 'On Target'?

How to activate the 'On Target' metric in the PUSH Pro Application

Alexander Kato avatar
Written by Alexander Kato
Updated over a week ago

In short, the 'On Target' metric is a percentage value out of 100 that provides the athlete with feedback as to how effective their previous set was.

A majority of the 'On Target' metric (80%) is derived from the number of repetitions that occured within the specified velocity range determined by the chosen training goal (Strength, Power or Speed). The other 20% of the 'On-Target' metric is based on how consistent the velocity of each repetition was within the set. For a more comprehensive breakdown of PUSH Assist and the 'On Target' metric, click the link below!

To activate 'On Target', select the PUSH Band icon in the top right-hand corner.

Next select, 'On Target'.

Finally, select 'Done'.

NOTE: If you are making these changes with a Coaches' profile, you will be prompted to apply any changes to all athletes in the organization. To continue, select "Apply to All".

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