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My PUSH Band Mis-Detects Reps Occasionally - Am I Doing Something Wrong?
My PUSH Band Mis-Detects Reps Occasionally - Am I Doing Something Wrong?
Written by James Larson
Updated over a week ago

Here is a quick summary on what to do in order to reduce the chances of mis-detection of repetitions:

  1. Make sure the PUSH Band is tightly strapped to the top of your forearm, with the light pointing up towards your shoulder/head. This is critical to receive accurate readings.

  2.  PUSH is able to detect and remove impact signals from racking and de-racking the bar (or picking up and dropping dumbbells), but the less impact signals added during data collection, the less likely your Band will mis-detect. Try to press the button on your PUSH Band as close to beginning the performance of a set as possible.

  3.  Some exercises are more difficult to track than others, especially Deadlifts and Rows (we're working on improving these continuously). This is mainly caused by the "noise" in the movement signal which can sometimes mimic a real repetition's signature very closely. Follow Tip #2 to improve accuracy with these lifts.

  4.  You are always able to manually edit the number of reps you completed. This process should adjust for any missed reps, or remove extra reps.

  5. Make sure that your PUSH Band is charged well. If it's flashing amber that means your PUSH Band is running low on power and should be recharged to help maintain accuracy.

  6. The supported Bluetooth range is 30 meters. The closer you keep your iOS/Android device, the cleaner the signal the PUSH Band receives is, and therefore the more accurate data collection will be. Try to keep your iOS/Android device within 2-3 meters of your training zone.

If none of these tips help you out please don't hesitate to contact us we'll help you.

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