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Time and schedule your Pyn

You must match the message to the moment. Like the adage says - It's all about timing!

Julianna Kapjian-Pitt avatar
Written by Julianna Kapjian-Pitt
Updated over a week ago

When to send your Pyn

Make it timely

In order for your message to have the most impact, it must be as timely as possible.

For example, if employees need to complete a self-review for an upcoming performance cycle, telling them months in advance is unlikely to result in action. Likewise, telling them a day or two in advance wouldn't give them appropriate notice.

Focus on the point of need

When employees think information isn't relevant or feel like they're getting spammed, they will likely stop engaging with your content.

Therefore, it's important to focus on the point of need.

This means if you have a series of messages to send (as in onboarding or manager training), you should:

  • design your communications so each message matches a moment of need (e.g., in preparation of a deadline they must meet, or a training to attend, etc)

  • include in your first message an outline of what will appear in future messages

How to schedule a Pyn

To schedule (or reschedule) a message:

  • Click on the downward arrow to the right of the send button

  • Choose the Schedule Message option

  • Select the time, time zone, and date when you want your message to be sent.

  • Click Apply.

Note: Messages sent from Automation will automatically send based on the recipient's time zone, if that data is in the Pyn. If we do not have the employee time zone data the message will be sent based on the company's HQ time zone.

Timing Pyns in an automation

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