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Adding a gif to your Pyn

Including a gif is a great way to add context and a personalized touch to a message

Julianna Kapjian-Pitt avatar
Written by Julianna Kapjian-Pitt
Updated over 3 years ago

You can include a gif in the banner image as well as the short message and long message of a Pyn.

Add a gif

To include a gif in a follow these steps:

  1. Create or edit an existing Pyn.

  2. In the Pyn, click edit the text and select the "+" option that appears.

  3. Upload an image saved as .gif into the Pyn.

Recommended file sizes for a gif

Pyn Banner

Gifs that are 1200px X 540px with a 72 p/inch resolution will fit perfectly.

Short and long messages

The max width of a gif should be 1024px. Larger files may not render properly and cause the animation to stop working.


Q: Will gifs appear when delivering a Pyn via Slack?

A: Yes, if a gif is included in the short message, the gif will show up in Slack.

Q: What type of file does an image need to be saved as?

A: Pyn supports image files saved as .gif.

Q: Can more than one image be added to a message?

A: Yes. More than one gif can be added.

Q: How do I upload a gif?

A: The best practice is to save the file as a .gif to your device then upload it into the short message.

Q: My gif isnโ€™t working, what should I do?

A: Resizing the file would be first thing to try. If the gif has a width greater than 1024px this can cause the animation to stop when delivering a message.

Q: How do I resize my gif?

A: Websites like Ezgif have free file editing that will allow you to resize your gif file.

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