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Enable the Birthday Moment Automation

Use the Birthday Automation to help consistently recognize employee birthdays

Julianna Kapjian-Pitt avatar
Written by Julianna Kapjian-Pitt
Updated over a week ago

Select the Birthday Moment Automation

Navigate to Automation.

Search for "Birthday" and click on the Birthday Moment.

Click Set Up to begin configuring your Automation.

Customize the Birthday Moment Automation

To customize, choose the Automation mode and Re-enrollment period you would like for this Automation. You can update these selections at any time.

Automation mode options:

  • Manual (In Manual mode, you must manually unpause messages before they will send. This gives you the ability to review Pyns before they are sent. To unpause messages, go to your Drafts folder, select each message, and choose "unpause" from the dropdown.)

  • Automatic (In Automatic mode, messages will send as soon as they are ready.)

Re-enrollment period options:

  • Always (Employees who exit and later rejoin the company will always receive these messages.)

  • 1 month (Employees who exit and rejoin the company within 1 month will not receive these messages.)

  • 3 months (Employees who exit and rejoin the company within 3 months will not receive these messages.)

  • 6 months (Employees who exit and rejoin the company within 6 months will not receive these messages.)

  • 12 months (Employees who exit and rejoin the company within 12 months will not receive these messages.)

  • Never (Employees who exit and later rejoin the company will never receive these messages.)

Enable the Birthday Moment Automation

After you have selected the Automation mode and Re-enrollment period you want for this Automation, click Enable.

Your Birthday Moments Automation is now active! The selections you made will appear as shown below.

Schedule Birthday Moment Pyns

Once you have enabled the Birthday Automation, you may want to adjust the scheduling of when Pyns will send. This can be done by selecting the message you would like to schedule and click on the date found above the banner image.

Select on event or enter the number of days before or after a birthday occurs that you would like the message to be sent.

For example, you may want a message to be sent to the employee's manager 3 days prior to the employees birthday, select the before option and indicate the number of calendar days.

You can also choose if you want messages to send only on weekdays or weekends as well. To confirm the changes click Save.

Edit your Automation

See something you'd like to update? Simply click on the three dots (...) and choose to Edit or Disable the Automation.

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