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Understand Groups in Pyn

Groups capture lifecycle, standard, and demographic descriptions of employees

Julianna Kapjian-Pitt avatar
Written by Julianna Kapjian-Pitt
Updated over 3 years ago

Understanding groups

  • There are three kinds of groups: standard, lifecycle, and demographic

  • Groups are ‘fluid’: People move in and out of groups, as their career progresses or their circumstances change

  • A group can not be created by a user

Standard groups

‘Standard’ groups are always available in Pyn.

There are currently 4 standard groups:

  • All Employees — Anyone who is a current employee

  • Joiners — Anyone who has a start date in the future

  • All Managers — Anyone who has one or more direct reports

  • Rehires — Anyone who was hired in the past, and will be/has been hired again

Standard groups are not mutually exclusive. For example, someone can be in the ‘Joiners’ and ‘Rehires’ groups at the same time.

Lifecycle groups

These groups are also always available in Pyn.

They represent the lifecycle of an employee:


There are currently 5 lifecycle groups:

  • Lifecycle: Accepted — Anyone who has a start date in the future, >= 8 days away (and is not terminated)

  • Lifecycle: Pre-Onboarding — Anyone who has a start date in the future, < 8 days away (and is not terminated)

  • Lifecycle: Onboarding — Anyone who has started in the past month (and is not terminated)

  • Lifecycle: Active — Anyone who has started > 1 month ago (and is not terminated)

  • Lifecycle: Terminated — Anyone who has a termination date in the past, or has been removed from HRIS

The ‘Lifecycle: Terminated’ group is not visible in the Pyn platform. Lifecycle groups are mutually exclusive. The employee transitions through these groups one at a time, as their career progresses.

For example, Fred accepts his offer (Accepted) with start date Monday 15th of March. On Monday 8th of March he transitions to Pre-Onboarding. On his start date, he transitions to Onboarding. After one month he transitions to Active. Should he resign at some point, he will transition to Terminated.

Demographic groups

These groups are turned off by default. They can (currently) only be enabled by Pyn.

Demographic groups are created from the underlying HRIS system, such as BambooHR.

Demographics can vary per HRIS system, but common ones are:

  • Department

  • Unit

  • Location

In Pyn, we create a group for each demographic option. So if there are 4 departments (security, engineering, marketing, sales), Pyn will create 4 groups:

  • Department: Security

  • Department: Engineering

  • Department: Marketing

  • Department: Sales

An employee can be part of multiple demographics (ie. someone can have a Department and a Location), but an employee can not be part of multiple demographic groups (ie. someone can not be in Department: Engineering and in Department: Marketing ).

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