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Add Users to your map

Learn how to add other users to your map as Owner options or Collaborators

Julianna Kapjian-Pitt avatar
Written by Julianna Kapjian-Pitt
Updated over a week ago

When it comes to customizing your Employee Journey Map, you can add a person as an Owner of a Touchpoint.

You can either choose to add them to the map as an option, which means their name will be visible in the dropdown menu and you can select them, or you can invite them as a Collaborator in your map, which means they will have access to the Employee Journey Map (with editing capability).

When you first create your Employee Journey Map, you’re the only option available as an Owner of a Touchpoint. You can add names as other options or collaborators with the instructions below:

Add User as an Option

Selecting “Add as an option” allows you to enter the name and email address of a member of your team or company that you’d like to add as a selection option for the Owner property. People added here will not have access to your Employee Journey Map or receive an email inviting them to log in.

Instead, they will show up as an option in your Owner property drop-down on all Touchpoints.

Invite as a Collaborator

Inviting a User to your map as a collaborator looks similar to adding as an option, but you will instead be inviting the User to have full access to view and edit the map. Collaborators may be immediate teammates or other people within your company you collaborate with on the employee experience.

Collaborators will receive an email from Pyn ( with a link to the map. If a Collaborator already has their own map, they can switch between their Workspace and your Workspace. Your Workspace will appear in their workspace menu.

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