How to Create Products in Qashier POS

Creating your items is a very simple 1 minute process on the Qashier Smart Terminal

Updated over a week ago

To create products from Qashier POS:

  1. Select the “☰” icon at the top right-hand corner of the POS homepage


  3. Enter your TERMINAL PIN number

There are 3 layers of categorisation in our POS.

The following diagram is an example of how you can create your categorisation based on your business needs.

How to create tab:

  1. Select the middle icon on the top left-hand corner of the manage products page

  2. Choose the number of tabs under the drop down list

  3. Key in the tab names

How to create a category:

  1. Click on the + icon on the top right hand corner of the manage product page

  2. Select CATEGORY

  3. Name your category

  4. Select the Tab which you would like to assign the category to

  5. Click CONFIRM

How to create a product:

  1. Select a category which you would like to add the product to

  2. Select ADD PRODUCT

  3. Key in PRODUCT NAME and PRICE [These 2 fields are compulsory to input]

  4. Click CONFIRM

Voila! You've created your first item!

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