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46 articles
Using Express/Dynamic checkout buttons
Applying Discounts via Draft Orders or Manual Order Creation
How do I customize the style, background color, etc of the discount table?
Warning: Discount Groups Approaching File Size Limit
What are the supported themes?
What is the email domain or company name the collaborator requested from?
Can I export the settings I have and import it for a new store?
How do I enable the app embed settings for Bulk Discounts Now?
Is Rebuy app compatible with Bulk Discounts Now?
How do I uninstall Bulk Discount Now?
Can I show discounts only to specific customers? - Bulk Discount Now
Is Bulk Discount Now compatible with Checkout X / custom checkout apps?
Can I install Bulk Discount Now in an unpublished theme?
On the cart page, how do I display the discounts on their respective line-items?
Can discount tiers have multiple requirements?
What's the difference between percentage discounts and fixed amount discounts?
What's the difference between the different discount tier types?
Can discount tiers be based on the number of units from a collection that are added to cart?
Can discount tiers be based on the number of units of a product added to cart rather than number of units of a variant?
Can I subtract discounts from the compare at price rather than the sales price?
Can I upload a CSV, spreadsheet or excel file with discounted prices?
Can I show Bulk Discount Now prices on the collection pages and the homepage?
Can I give Bulk discounts on only specific variants of a product?
Can I apply the Bulk Discounts to orders that I create manually?
Can I modify tax charges on Bulk Discount Now orders?
Can I modify the shipping charges on Bulk Discount Now?
Can I display quantity and value ranges in the discount table requirements column?
Can I show discounts only to specific customers?
Is Bulk Discount Now compatible with Shopify analytics?
Is Bulk Discount Now compatible with Facebook Pixel?
Is Bulk Discount Now compatible with Google Analytics?
Is Bulk Discount Now compatible with inventory management apps?
Is Bulk Discount Now compatible with currency conversion apps?
Is Bulk Discount Now compatible with direct-to-checkout apps?
Is Bulk Discount Now compatible with Amazon Pay?
Is Bulk Discount Now compatible with Google Pay?
Is Bulk Discount Now compatible with Apple Pay?
Is Bulk Discount Now compatible with Paypal Express checkout?
Is Bulk Discount Now compatible with product quick views and quick buys?
I can't find my collections when creating or editing a discount group
I've upgraded or changed themes. How do I reinstall?
Is Bulk Discount Now compatible with Shopify Lite, Shopify POS, etc?
Is Bulk Discount Now compatible with product option apps?
How does the draft order work in Bulk Discount Now
PayPal Checkout for Bulk Discount now
How can I view reports and analytics for Bulk orders created through Bulk discount Now