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How the Parse (Resume / CV Data Extraction) Feature Works
How the Parse (Resume / CV Data Extraction) Feature Works

Learn how the resume (CV) data extraction feature works and when to use it.

Samira Coutinho avatar
Escrito por Samira Coutinho
Atualizado há mais de 2 meses

The Parse feature, also known as "Extract Resume Data", simplifies adding a candidate manually. It allows you to avoid filling out the candidate's profile in the system manually. However, this is a limited feature in Quickin, with a specific monthly usage quota. You can view this quota, along with your usage tracking, on the billing screen under the "Usage" tab.

This feature does not need to be used for every profile since you can view the resume attached to each candidate. Additionally, we recommend using it only for candidates who are finalists or who are being referred to the manager/client. 😉

To use the Parse feature, follow these steps:

STEP 1: Access the candidate's profile and click the "Extract Resume Data" button on the left side.

STEP 2: After completing the previous step, you will notice that the information from the file will be extracted and added to the system profile.

It is important to highlight that the candidate's resume must be a text file, in PDF or Word format, and its functionality will also depend on the document's structure. This means the feature may not be able to read all information if the document is not well formatted. 😊

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