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Billing statement
How to subscribe to a plan?
How to subscribe to a plan?

Learn how to subscribe to a plan to start enjoying all the features of Quickin.

Camilla Moreira avatar
Escrito por Camilla Moreira
Atualizado há mais de uma semana

To subscribe to a plan and begin using our software efficiently and productively, just follow the steps below.

⚠️However, it's important to note that the "Billing" screen will only appear for users with an administrator profile, okay?😉⚠️

STEP 1: When accessing the platform, you will come across the "Billing" screen.

Under the "Plans" tab, you can view the types of available plans, "Monthly" or "Annual," along with their respective information. Then, simply select the desired plan and click on "Subscribe."

STEP 2: Upon clicking "Subscribe," you will be directed to the next tab, "Billing Information," where you should fill out the form with billing details, including the financial email through which the Invoices will be sent.

⚠️Remarks: In the "CNPJ" and "CEP" fields, it's necessary to input the digits with their respective dots, dashes, and slashes. For example: 00000-000 or 00.000.000/0000-00.⚠️

STEP 3: After clicking the "Next" button, similar to the previous step, you will be redirected to the next tab, "Payment Method." Fill out the form with credit card information if you choose to make the payment this way, and then click "Next." Alternatively, simply click the "Next" button to generate the invoice, enabling you to make payment through a bank slip or Pix.

STEP 4: Upon proceeding, you will be taken to the final step of the process, "Finish." On this screen, a summary will be presented containing information from all the previous steps, such as billing details, payment methods, and the selected plan.

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