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Plan Details

Learn how to view & edit plan details and track plan performance

Updated over 3 weeks ago

Plan Details

Learn how to view & edit plan details and track plan performance

Click Plans in the left-hand navigation to view and manage an existing plan in QuotaPath. Select the appropriate tab at the top of the page from there, depending on whether you'd like to view a draft, active, or archived plan. Last, click the plan name to visit the plan details page.

The plan details page is organized into two tabs: Details and Performance. Continue reading for detailed overviews of each section.


The details tab on the plan details page provides a snapshot of the plan, including components, assignees, plan status, sync status, and verification status.

  1. Plan Structure: View, edit, and add new components to the plan. Click the kebob menu to the right of each component for additional options to duplicate or delete the component.

  2. Assignees: View and search the plan assignees. Assign new members to the plan. Click the kebob menu to the right of the plan assignee for additional options, including editing member plan details (like plan effective dates or base/variable pay if Automatic Commission Rates is enabled) or un-assigning the member from the plan.

  3. Plan status: View the plan creator, sync status, upload the plan document, request plan verification, or view verification status.

  4. Call-to-Action: For Draft plans, the main CTA is to publish the plan plus additional options to edit, duplicate, or delete the plan. The main CTA for Active plans is to edit the plan details (including the plan name, component weighting, and member compensation if Automatic Commission Rates is enabled). For Archived plans, the main CTA is to reactivate the plan.


The performance tab on the plan details page provides a snapshot of plan performance metrics, including earnings, effective rate, and attainment.

These metrics can be leveraged when creating a draft plan to validate plan design, earnings calculations, and data mappings and can also be used for active plans to track ongoing plan performance.

To view plan performance data, you'll first need to have members assigned to the plan and data added to the plan, either via manually added deals or by mapping the paths to integrated system data.

  1. Total earnings: Displays the total earnings for the entire plan by Month, Quarter, Year, or Custom dates.

  2. Average effective rate: Displays the average effect rate by time frame.

  3. Plan earnings by member: A summary of plan assignees and their respective earnings, effective rate, and deal values by stage is displayed.

  4. Plan attainment by member: Displays a leaderboard view of plan assignees by components.

Upon clicking a member in the Plan Earnings by Member section, you can drill down into the deals assigned to that member to validate deal details, including deal values, effective rates, etc.

Upon clicking a deal, you can drill down even further to view a breakdown of the earnings and attainment by path and by tier.

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