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Components of a Deal
Components of a Deal

Understand each necessary component of a Deal in QuotaPath

Updated over a week ago

A deal in QuotaPath is made up of several different components:

  1. Deal name: This is what this deal is called within QuotaPath. If you've pulled deals in from your CRM, the deal name will match what is in your CRM.

  2. Deal date: This is the date that the deal counts toward your quota/earning.

  3. Deal stage: This is how far along the deal currently is within your sales process. There are currently three options for the Deal stage:

  • Pipeline: This option is for deals that may or may not count toward your             quota/payment. Putting deals into this option allows you to ‘forecast’ your             deals and see what your earnings/attainment will be if the deal becomes             Closed/Won.

  • Closed/Won: This option is for deals that will count toward your                             quota/earnings.

  • Closed/Lost: This option is for deals that will not count toward your                       quota/payment.

   4. Paths this deal belongs to: every deal must be associated with at least one Path. This determines what commission/bonus will be applied to the Amount(s) and                which quota the Amount(s) will contribute to.

   5. Amount: This is either a Currency ($) or a Quantity that represents either the                 dollar value of the deal (ex. $10,000) or the number associated with the deal (ex.         10 users, 1 meeting).

6. Fields: You are also able to add custom additional fields that will be associated with deals. These fields will be pulled in from your CRM. You can add two additional date fields and one number field. To set this up for your Workspace, go to 'Settings' and 'Preferences.'

7. Lock deal: For deals that are added manually or through a bulk upload, you have the option to lock a deal. By locking a deal, only Admins can make edits to that deal. If a deal is not locked, technically anyone can edit a deal, so make sure any manually added deal is locked so that reps cannot accidentally make any changes.

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