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How to view the Deals dashboard in QuotaPath

Updated over a week ago

In this article, we'll walk through navigating the Deals dashboard in QuotaPath.

First, Admins will see two tabs: 'My Deals' and 'Admin.'

  • 'My Deals' is what reps, or members, will see. It will be comprised of all the deals that member is the owner of.

  • 'Admins' is where you'll have administrative control over all the deals in your Workspace.

Second, you'll see filters so you can drill down data any way you'd like.

  • Timeframe: All time, Month, Quarter, Year, or a Custom date range.

  • Owners: Select specific members to see the deals assigned to them.

  • Plans: Select which Plan you want to look at. You can also choose to display all current Plans, or archived Plans.

  • Stages: Filter by stages. Closed/Won, Pipeline, Closed/Lost.

  • Paths: You can also filter down by Paths.

Depending on the filters, the summary view will update to show the data you selected.

Scroll down to the Deals table. If you have filters set, this table will show all the deals that match your current filter criteria and all the values and deal meta data we have available.

  • Deal name

  • Deal date

  • Locked: Whenever you add a deal manually or by using bulk upload, you have the option to lock a deal so that only Admins can make edits to those deals.

  • Flag: A way for members and Admins to flag deals or issues with commissions.

  • Source: Where the data is coming from (CRM, API, or uploaded through a CSV import).

  • CRM ID: By default, we pull this in for every deal that's coming from a CRM. You don't have to configure this in your CRM mappings; we pull in this data point and it will correspond to the object ID of whatever you're mapping to.

  • Stage

  • Owner

  • Last Edited: When a deal was last pulled in from your CRM or when it was last uploaded.

  • Field names: These will be different depending on the comp plan you're currently viewing.

  • Earnings: A dynamic field that continues to update as data from your CRM syncs. If you upload deals manually, it will only update as you upload new data.

  • Approved: A static field that shows approved earnings at that point in time.

  • Discrepancy: If earnings have changed since you last approved, a discrepancy amount will show up here.

There are a few ways you can customize the Deals table to your liking.

The column selector on the top right of the Deals table lets you choose what shows in your table view. You can also resize how wide the columns are. And column headers can be sorted, similar to how you can sort in Excel.

And lastly, on the top right of the dashboard, you'll see a green dot, which is the CRM status. This lets members and Admins know the last time the data was refreshed from your CRM.

To learn how to manually add deals, click here.

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