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QuickBooks Integration Overview
QuickBooks Integration Overview

Learn how to connect QuickBooks to QuotaPath

Updated over a week ago


Integration Requirements

  • We currently integrate with QuickBooks Online, and do not support integrations to QuickBooks Desktop, QuickBooks Enterprise, etc.

  • Here are the objects currently supported:

    • Accounts

    • Bill (Payments)

    • Bills

    • Budgets

    • Classes

    • Credit Memos

    • Customers

    • Departments

    • Deposits

    • Employees

    • Estimates

    • Invoices (Most Common)

    • Items

    • Journal Entries

    • Payment Methods

    • Payments

    • Purchase Orders

    • Purchases

    • Refund Receipts

    • Sales Receipts

    • Tax Agencies

    • Tax Codes

    • Tax Rates

    • Terms

    • Time Activities

    • Transfers

    • Vendor Credits

    • Vendors

Before Getting Started

Before integrating QuickBooks, it's helpful to have the below questions answered to streamline the implementation process.

  • Do you currently have your CRM integrated with QuickBooks?

    • Without an existing integration between your CRM and QuickBooks, there will not be an existing ID that can referenced when using QuickBooks for Payouts Eligibility. This will need to be implemented, which will delay the process.

  • Do you currently have a field that can be used for the Payout Eligibility rules (either a Date or Amount field)?

    • If using QuickBooks for Payouts Eligibility, it is required to have either a Date or Amount field to inform the rules.

  • Will your Deal Create to Payout Eligibility relationship be 1:1 or 1:many?

    • If the relationship is 1:many, the QuotaPath support team will need to roll-up the records, which can increase the implementation time.

How to connect QuickBooks

Before connecting, this is the information you will need to ensure you can properly connect your Quickbooks account:

  1. Start Date:

    1. During the connection process you will need to input the earliest possible date for data you would like flowing into QuotaPath. (i.e. if you want records from 5/10/2022 flowing into QuotaPath, use a start date of 5/9/2022)

  2. Realm/Company ID:

    1. Also labeled company ID within Quickbooks

    2. You can find this within Settings → Accounts and Settings → Billing and Subscription

      1. It will be the ‘Company ID’ at the top of the page

    3. If you are unable to view your Realm/Company ID within your Quickbooks account, please reach out to your organization’s Quickbooks admin and request the key from them

Now that you have all the information needed, you are ready to connect. You can view the following video, or follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the integrations page. Click on ‘Settings’ within the left hand nav bar and then ‘Integrations’.

  2. Find the Quickbooks integration card and click ‘Connect’.

  3. Authenticate with your Quickbooks account by logging in and clicking “Accept” to allow QuotaPath to access data in your Quickbooks account.

  4. As you are taken back to QuotaPath you will be prompted a source form to complete your authentication. Here is where you will need all the information from the first section above.

    1. Fill in the ‘Start Date’ and Realm ID fields. Leave Sandbox unchecked

      1. Make sure that your Realm ID contains no spaces prior to clicking ‘Submit’:

  5. Now that you are successfully authenticated, click ‘Next’ within the modal to move onto the next stage of completing your integration

  6. Here you will select your sync schedule and the objects/streams you would like to sync:

  7. Once you select ‘Sync Now’ your data will start flowing into QuotaPath:

    1. This could take a few minutes so feel free to close the modal and navigate to Home to complete any outstanding onboarding tasks. We will send you an email once your integration is ready to use.

    2. You will also be able to see your sync status across the top of the integration card under the “Connected Integrations section”:

  8. At any point you can click “Edit Settings” or “Resync Now”:

    1. “Edit Settings” will allow you to update your sync schedule or any of the streams/objects you have connected.

    2. “Resync now” will allow you to kick off a manual sync, ahead of your next scheduled sync time.

  9. Once QuickBooks is connected, navigate to Home or Plans to sync data to a compensation plan in QuotaPath.

How to set up for Deal Create only

To set up QuickBooks to use for Deal Create use cases only, you can proceed to the next section to learn how to sync your plans to QuickBooks after authentication. For more information on the definition of Deal Create, please visit this article.

If you will be using QuickBooks as the Payouts Eligibility source, please jump to this section.

Note: It is rare to use QuickBooks as the deal create source. The most common use case is to use another system as the deal create source, and use QuickBooks as the payout eligibility source.

How to sync Plans to QuickBooks

Go to the Plans page in your QuotaPath workspace, navigate to the plan you'd like to sync, and click the path to expand it. From there, click "Sync to CRM" to sync data for this path.

Source: Select to connect to QuickBooks' on the first step in the pop-up modal.

Record: Choose the object in QuickBooks to use as the deal create source. If you are not seeing the object, go back to Settings then Integrations and edit the integration settings for QuickBooks and ensure you've synced the object.

Fields: Align the fields to be used for the Deal Name, Deal Amount, Deal Date and Deal Owner.

Note: QuickBooks does not have a standard field that can be used to match data for the Deal Owner. You will need to create a custom string field containing the rep's email. QuickBooks' API limits pulling the first 3 custom string fields created.

Stages: Select the field and value to define each of the 3 deal stages for closed won, pipeline and closed lost. It is only required to define the criteria for closed won.

Review: Add additional filters as needed. The mapped field for the Deal Owner will automatically appear as a filter in order to filter the records based on who's assigned to the plan.

When finished, click 'Sync' to finish setting up the data sync for this path. If there are additional paths in the plan, repeat the above steps to sync every path in the plan. After every path is synced to QuickBooks and you've assigned QuotaPath workspace members to the plan, head to the Earnings page to start managing commissions!

How to set up for Payouts Eligibility

After having connected QuickBooks to QuotaPath and setting up your Deal Create source, you can set up QuickBooks for Payouts Eligibility. You'll need to start by identifying the connecting ID and whether the relationship will be 1:1 or 1:many.

1. Identify Connecting ID

Here are few examples of the connecting IDs:

  • Salesforce <> QuickBooks (either 1:1 or 1:many)

    • Salesforce Deal Create Source: Opportunity

    • QuickBooks Payouts Eligibility Source: Invoice

    • Connecting ID: Opportunity ID

    • Here is a helpful article on connecting Salesforce to QuickBooks.

  • HubSpot <> QuickBooks (either 1:1 or 1:many)

    • HubSpot Deal Create Source: Deal

    • QuickBooks Payout Eligibility Source: Invoice

    • Connecting ID: Deal ID

    • Here is a helpful article on connecting HubSpot to QuickBooks.

2. Combine Data

After identifying the connecting ID that will connect the deal create record to the payout eligibility record(s), the data will need to be combined by the QuotaPath support team. Please reach out to the support team to complete this step.

3. Set Payouts Eligibility Rules

After the data has been combined, you can proceed to the Plans page to start syncing data. The first step is to sync the data that will be used for Deal Create, and then after, you'll define the Payout Eligibility rules.

For more information on the types of Payout Eligibility rules, please review this article.

Here are a few examples of common Payout Eligibility rules for QuickBooks:

  • Eligibility by Invoice: Paid Amount

Note: This is typically a custom field that subtracts the invoice balance from the total to derive the paid invoice amount. If you do not have an existing field that represents the paid invoice amount, please reach out to the QuotaPath support to help create a custom calculated field.

  • Eligibility by Invoice: Due Date or Transaction Date

If you are having any troubles, please feel free to reach out to our support team,, or start a chat from the icon on the lower right hand corner of your page.

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