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Paths with Attainment Multipliers
Paths with Attainment Multipliers

Learn how to add Paths with multipliers to accelerate quota attainment

Updated over a year ago

If your compensation plan includes an attainment multiplier, follow to below steps to add this type of path to your plan. Examples of an attainment multiplier include:

  • Multiplier of 1.5x for multi-year deals

  • Multiplier of 3x for BDR/SDR point-based plans

  • Multiplier of 0.5x for deal splits

First, navigate to the Plans page and either click "+Add Plan" to create a new plan or go to an existing plan and click "+ Add Path". If you choose "+Add Plan", select "Start from scratch" on the next screen.

Once you've entered the path builder workflow, start by naming the path and choosing the path type. Next, choose whether the path has a quota and enter the default quota values. After entering in the attainment field, you'll see the option to add an attainment multiplier:

Enter in the rate in the form of a number with up to 6 decimal places:

Note that if a deal applies to multiple paths with attainment multipliers and the same field name, all multipliers will be applied. After finishing setting up the path, you will see the attainment multiplier in the path summary:

When viewing deals in QuotaPath, you will see an icon next to the deal amount when an attainment multiplier is being applied. Upon hovering, over the icon, you will be able to see the original deal amount and the multiplier value:

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