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Team Contests

Learn how Admins can create contests for friendly competition!

Updated over a week ago

Create a Team Contest in QuotaPath in order to inspire friendly competition amongst teams!

To get started, Admins can either click the task from your Home page, or navigate directly to the Teams page in the left hand navigation:

From the Teams page, click the team that you'll be creating a competition for and then click the 'Contests' tab at the top. From there, click '+Add new' to create a new competition.

In the pop-up modal, enter the details of the contest including: contest name, prize, contest type, leaderboard and contest start and end dates.

Since prizes are not automatically added to a rep's earnings in QuotaPath, they can represent both monetary and non-monetary rewards! However, if you would like to track payout of a monetary prize in QuotaPath, you can create a manual payout. To learn how to create a manual payout, visit this article.

A leaderboard must already be created for the team in order to create a contest. The data from the leaderboard is what will be used to inform the contest results. For example, if you will be creating a contest for highest quota attainment, you'll want to use a leaderboard in which the data source contains both the relevant deal data and assigned quotas. For more information on creating a leaderboard, visit this article.

There are five different types of contests you can choose from:

  • Fastest deal closed: Deal record with the earliest deal date

  • Most deals closed: Sum of the number of deal records

  • Largest deal closed: Deal record with the largest deal value

  • Highest attainment: Largest cumulative deal values

  • Highest quota attainment: Highest quota attainment percentage based on sum of deal records

If you set up a contest ahead of time, it will automatically appear in the 'Scheduled' section, where you and edit the details leading up to the start of the competition. Once a competition has started, it will appear in the 'Active' tab. And when the contest dates have lapsed, the contest will appear in the 'Completed' tab.

Once a contest has been created, the contest will be viewable by both team members and team managers. This includes scheduled, active and completed contests. Currently, contests can only be viewed from the Teams page.

At any point in time, an Admin can click the kebob menu in the top right corner of the contest card and either 'Edit' the contest details or 'Delete' the contest.

While contest is active, the contest view will update to show the current contest rankings. Once a contest has ended and appears in the 'Completed' tab, the contest view will update and show the contest winners by highlighting the first, second and third place winners.

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