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How to Configure a Source Profile Within your PR Account
How to Configure a Source Profile Within your PR Account

Within your Qwoted PR account, you can add individual Source profiles for clients or your company’s thought leaders.

Maddy Kislovsky avatar
Written by Maddy Kislovsky
Updated over a week ago

You should create a Source profile for your clients if you’re part of a PR agency, or for your company’s thought leaders or executive team if you are an in-house PR professional.

Source profiles are used to highlight an individual's expertise and media experience. Do not create profiles to represent more than one expert or a company. If a Source profile is created incorrectly, it will not appear in our Expert Database.

You can add as many Source profiles to your account as you'd like, even with the Free version of Qwoted.

Adding Source profiles will make your pitching experience both easier and more effective. These profiles tell our Media users more about the Source, especially the topics they can speak to, as well as highlighting their media experience.

Begin by navigating to your PR User profile, which you can do by hovering over your name in the top right-hand corner of your Qwoted screen and clicking My Profile.

Select the “Add Your Sources” button located on your profile - you'll see it located along the right hand side of your profile page.

If you haven't added any Sources yet, you'll see a message with a blue background inviting you to Add a Source to Qwoted, with a hyperlinked "+Add Your Sources" line of text above and to the right of this message:

By clicking "Add Your Sources", you'll be directed to the first section of configuring the profile.

Here is where you can add the Name, Bio, Location, contact information, and social media profiles for your Expert. The more information you provide, the easier it will be for reporters to find them in relevant sources across our database.

The email address you provide here tells our system where messages from reporters will be directed on the backend of Qwoted. This email address will not be visible to Media, or be seen as a means of contacting the expert. It is simply a field that acts as a "CC" function, where you can direct any notifications about this profile to another inbox (perhaps a team-wide email alias, for example). Feel free to leave this field blank if you don't want to CC any additional inboxes on notifications for this profile.

You will automatically be listed as a representative as the creator of the Source profile, but you can add your colleagues to be listed as representatives as well. Any representatives of this source will immediately receive all inbound communications involving them. We'll cover how you can do this again in a bit.

Qwoted gives the ability to indicate whether the source is happy to speak on or off the record. If the source is willing to be quoted by name, leave this box unchecked. If they prefer to speak on the record, just check this box.

Check the "Hide from search engines" button if you would like this profile to remain private to the Qwoted network only. If you’d like your Expert's source profile to be public and visible in web searches, leave this box unchecked.

Once you complete this basic info, you can click this button to continue filling out the source profile.

Since Qwoted is a global network that provides transparency and social proof, be sure to add a profile picture to any Source profiles you create.

The next step is to configure your Expert's interests and fields of expertise. This is the most important step of the Source profile setup. Adding thematic topical tags that detail what the thought leader can speak to as an expert will help our system flag relevant media opportunities for them.

Filling out the employment section is helpful for journalist users to have easy access to your Expert's official title.

Search the 'Company' field to see if your Expert's company already exists in our database. Be sure to enter at least 3+ characters. If you can't find the Expert's organization in the dropdown, simply toggle over to the “Create New” tab and add it there.

You should also add direct links and URLs to your Expert's previous media features in the Media section of the profile. You can also add video interviews and past broadcast appearances in this section.

When adding URLs to your Media section, be sure you've selected the "Link" tab at the top, and are on the "URL" toggle. Add your URL into the "Item URL" field, and the remaining data should auto-populate.

The Story idea portion of your profile is populated by our "Amplify" tool that you encounter while pitching. You can fill in this area by selecting "Amplify this pitch" in the pitching process.

It’s also useful to add quotes and comments from your Expert for journalist users to see and lift with ease. You should add quotes from existing articles or published pieces of work if any, or on the fly to show off their insight around a hot topic that reporters are likely going to be searching for, such as a recent IPO or the passing of a new legislature that affects an industry.

Note: It's important to update your recent quotes regularly and make them snappy and interesting. Qwoted sorts sources chronologically so, the more frequently you add quotes, the more likely you are to appear on the reporter homepage or at the top of a given search. Look to add something about trending industry topics 2-3 times a week.

The 'Headshot' section is a place to add high-resolution versions of professional headshots for Media users to easily download and access, without needing to follow up.

To add team members as co-representatives of this Source, check out this article.

Once the Source profile is complete, with the profile picture, topical tags, quotes, media, employment, and headshot fields filled out, it will be visible in our global Expert Database, where journalists can reach out to profile owners directly if they are interested in interviewing the Source. This profile will also now be available to attach and submit as part of the pitching process when you are responding to an Opportunity.

*Note: You can also upload PRODUCT profiles to Qwoted. Check out this article to explore how to set up your Product Profiles for success.

If you have any further questions related to the source profile setup, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at

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