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For Promoters: Can I Still Accept Cash at My Events?
For Promoters: Can I Still Accept Cash at My Events?
David Call avatar
Written by David Call
Updated over a week ago

Yes, it is still possible to accept cash payments from racers. However, it is important to note that regardless of whether you are using live timing or not, the racer must be entered into the software in order to be scored accurately.

Please be aware that the fees charged by RaceReady for cash entries may differ from those for online entries.

If you prefer to accept cash on site, follow these steps to ensure that each racer is added to the system:

  1. Log in to your promoter account and navigate to the Events tab. Locate the specific event and select its menu icon. Then, choose "Manage Race."

  2. Once you are on the race's dashboard, click on the menu icon at the top right of the screen.

  3. From the dropdown menu, select "Add a Racer."

  4. At this point, you can either search for a racer already present in our system or add a new rider if they don't have an existing account. To search for a racer, enter their name, email, phone number, or any other relevant details that may be associated with their profile. The system will display possible matches. Choose the correct racer and click "Add to Event."

  5. If the racer does not have an existing account, select "Add New Rider" and provide the necessary information to create an account on their behalf.

  6. To proceed with the registration process, click "Purchase new items for user." This will log you into the racer's account on a limited basis, allowing you to complete the registration steps on their behalf and indicate that you have received cash payment.

  7. Ensure that the racer selects and acknowledges the Terms and Conditions of their participation.

  8. On the final screen, when prompted for credit card payment, choose "Use Cash" instead. Only select this option once the racer has paid you in cash. Once you complete the registration, you will be charged by RaceReady according to your fee schedule for the racer's participation.

If you require further assistance, you can chat with us using our online chat tool, call us at 801-344-6689, or email us at We are here to help.

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