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Stations Mode

Learn how to activate Stations Mode on the app and how to display multiple athletes on one tablet

Tabre Oliver avatar
Written by Tabre Oliver
Updated over a week ago

How to activate stations mode on the app

  1. Log into the app with your coach login

  2. Click the menu button in the bottom right corner of the page

  3. Click "Enable Station Mode"

  4. Select if you wish to use a pin (you may create one after selecting) or password to unlock stations mode, then click "Lock" in the upper right corner of the app

  5. Click on the workout previously assigned to view the athlete's digital sheets for that roster

    1. If you wish to display 1-4 athletes sheets at the same time, click the icon in the upper right corner of the page and select either 1,2,3 or 4

    2. Once the number of athletes in the group have been selected, the page will be divided into that number of sections in which a different athlete's name may be selected in each section to view their digital sheet

  6. Click the menu button to select "Disable Station Mode"

  7. Enter the created pin or account password to unlock the app

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