Team Manager is a subscription within it's self. In order to access the following, you will first need either a trial or subscription of Team Manager for at least one team/sport. Add Team Manager to your account by clicking HERE.
How to create a team
Click "Add Team" from the left side navigation menu from any Rack page.
Highlighted in the picture above.
Notice the amount of teams your account has left will display while creating a new team, highlighted in the upper right corner of the picture above
Enter a name for your team
Teams can either be a sport or a specific team within the sport (Freshman, Sophomore, JV or Varsity if you wish to keep their Rack experience completely separate
Select the appropriate sport from the drop down
Select the gender
Select up to 4 rosters that contain athletes in the team
Add any coaches that will need access to this team
Coaches may have full access to the team or "limited practice access" which only allows them access to positions assigned to them (done at a later point)