Cache: General overview

Every Box is delivered directly from our Raidboxes cache. An overview of how our cache works.

Torben Simon Meier avatar
Written by Torben Simon Meier
Updated over a week ago

Caching is the most important performance factor for websites. Every WordPress site hosted at Raidboxes has its own powerful cache on board from the very beginning. You can empty the cache at any time from your WordPress dashboard and configure it in your Box settings.

How the Raidboxes cache works

The first time a post or page is viewed, the cache for that URL is filled. The entire page no longer needs to be rendered each time for every subsequent visitor – only the cache needs to be delivered.

⚠️ Important: If you're using a caching plugin in addition to our Raidboxes

cache, you should always disable one of the two. If two different caches

are active, it can lead to conflicts with delivering the website and to performance issues.

Clear the cache

Every now and then, you might need to empty the cache manually. There are two ways of doing it:

Clear the cache via the WordPress dashboard

In your WordPress dashboard, you will find the menu item Raidboxes in the

header. Select Purge Cache from this menu to clear your website's cache.

Cache General overview - clear the Cache in WordPress

Clear the cache via the Raidboxes Dashboard

Go to your Box Overview and click on the Purge Cache button in the Cache section. Alternatively, you can go to your Box settings and click on Clear cache.

Cache General overview - clear the Cache in the Box

Configure the cache

All cache options can be found in your Box Settings.

The cache's expert mode offers two optional settings:

Common cache for all devices

Generally speaking, this option can remain activated without any issues. When deactivated, each device (e.g. PCs, Macs, iOS and Android devices) will use its own cache. This option is usually not relevant for modern, responsive websites.

Ignore No-Cache and Set-Cookie headers

If you activate this option, all No-Cache and Set-Cookie headers on

your website will be ignored.

Important: For online shops, it's important to bypass the cache for

specific areas of the website. If one of your shop functions stops working

properly, deactivate the Ignore function, empty the cache and test the function

again. Carts are not affected by the Ignore Header function.

Deactivate the cache

You can also deactivate our site cache in your Box settings if, for example, you want to use a caching plugin instead.

Cache General overview - deactivate the Cache
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