Website access: Password protection

Website access allows you to protect your WordPress login area or your entire website with a password in just a few clicks.

Jan Hornung avatar
Written by Jan Hornung
Updated over a week ago

With Website access you can set a server-side password for access to two areas of your website:

  • your WordPress login page

  • or your complete WordPress website.

Password protection prevents third parties or search engine crawlers from accessing your website or your WordPress login page. This server-side password protection can also be used as an additional security measure and placed in front of your website.

Note: In addition to the Website access feature, you can also protect your WordPress admin with the Raidboxes Login Protector.

Important: Password protection is turned on by default on all Demo Boxes and can only be disabled once the Box is active on a paid subscription. At least one payment needs to have been processed successfully before you have the option to disable password protection. Password protection cannot be disabled for Demo Boxes.

How do I activate password protection for my Box?

To activate password protection for certain areas of your website, go to the Box overview.


In the section Website access you will find all available options for server-side password protection.

Dashboard Raidboxes Password Protection - Change Password

Use the dropdown menu to select the areas you would like to protect with a password.

Dashboard Raidboxes - Password Protection - Select and Save

After you have confirmed your selection, the appropriate configurations will be made on the server. Please note that it may take a few moments until these configurations are saved and take effect.

How do I change the current password or create my own?

Our system automatically creates a password for your Box when you confirm the settings in the previous step. You can generate a new random password or enter your own password via the two action buttons to the right of the password field.

Dashboard Raidboxes - Password Protection - Change Password

The next time someone tries to access the protected area of your website, they will need to enter login credentials. The required login credentials are always displayed in the Website access section of your Box overview.

How do I disable password protection?

If you want to disable password protection, simply select No extra protection from the dropdown menu and confirm your entry. Please note that it may take a few moments until this entry is saved.

I disabled password protection for my Box but it still appears to be active on my site.

If you’ve disabled password protection for areas of your website but are still being prompted to enter credentials, please first try clearing your Raidboxes and browser cache. If the issue persists after clearing the cache, please contact our support team.

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