Placement stages
Head to your placements to check their status
After you request a placement is becomes AWAITING RAISE APPROVAL
Raise is reviewing the client, placement and credit
If it's a new client this may take a little longer as we formally request credit insurance
Once approved by Raise the placement is with the client for approval
A notification is sent to the Hiring Manager you've chosen
(This status is for temp placements only)
Once approved by the Hiring Manager the placement is with the contractor for onboarding and approval
The contractor will receive a notification to login and complete onboarding (what's required varies based on how their engaging, PSC, Payroll co, PAYE)
They will then accept their placement
Raise reviews all the information provided, and checks everything is good to go
Once the placement is ACTIVE, timesheets will generate automatically.
If you have any further questions about a placement during the approval process, please contact