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FAQs for Contractors

Frequently asked questions covering placements, timesheets, payments, invoices, expenses, etc.

Steve Cater avatar
Written by Steve Cater
Updated over a month ago

  1. Why is my placement not appearing though I have completed all the onboarding required (uploading RTW/ID, confirming payment company)?

    Once you have completed all the onboarding requirements, the team at Raise will need to approve this as part of our compliance. Once this has been approved, you will receive an email notification.

  2. When is the deadline for timesheets to be paid out?

    Timesheets need to be submitted and approved by midnight on the following Tuesday. It is recommended to submit your timesheet at the end of the week (not beforehand), as once timesheets are approved they cannot be amended.

  3. When do payments for timesheets take place?

    We make payments to Umbrella companies on Wednesday evening so that they can pay workers for Friday. We make payments to Limited companies on Wednesdays and Thursdays so it can be in bank accounts for Friday.

  4. Where can I find my payslip?

    For umbrella contractors, payslips are issued by your umbrella, as well as all other payment/tax documents, like your p45.

  5. What happens when a timesheet is not approved by the deadline?

    If a timesheet is approved after the deadline, it will be included in the next payroll, the following week and the worker will get paid the next Friday.

  6. Why can I no longer submit timesheets on the platform?

    This is likely because your placement has ended on the platform. Please check the end date of the placement on the platform.

  7. Why is my timesheet not appearing in full?

    This is likely because your placement has been extended after the timesheet for the week has already raised. The rest of the timesheet will raise from when it was extended. e.g. if a timesheet raises only for Monday-Friday, and is extended from the Saturday onwards, the timesheet will raise the Saturday morning.

  8. Why can I not resubmit my rejected timesheet?

    When a timesheet is rejected by the client, as a contractor, you will need to revert your timesheet before you are able to resubmit it to your contractor.

  9. Why am I receiving timesheet reminders when I did not work that week?

    Reminders for outstanding timesheets are sent on a weekly basis. If you did not work that week, please dismiss the timesheet using the 'dismiss' button on the timesheet's page.

  10. What is the funding type for my expense? Funded or Paid when Paid?

    Please contact the Raise team using our live chat if you are not aware of your funding type.

    For all other questions or queries, please email

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