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Wages, Payslips and Umbrellas

The process involved in worker's payments and where to get your payslips (wage slips)

Steve Cater avatar
Written by Steve Cater
Updated over a year ago

Temp contracting can mean multiple entities involved in the processing of timesheets and payments. Below is a guide to the process involved for umbrella and limited contractors.

Umbrella Contractors

  • Timesheets need to be approved by Tuesday at midnight

  • Payments are sent to your umbrella company on Wednesday evening

  • Your umbrella company will pay you by Friday 5pm

  • Where can you find your payslip and P45/p60?

Your umbrella company!

Umbrellas manage Nation Insurance (NI), taxes, deductions, holiday pay, etc.

They send a payslip every week/month and can provide any PAYE forms (P45, P60) required.

Limited Contractors

  • Timesheets need to be approved by midnight on Tuesday

  • Payments are sent to your limited company on Wednesday and Thursday

  • Payment will reach your limited company's account by Friday 5pm

What can you do if you think you have not been paid?

First make sure the timesheet was approved by the deadline. You can do this a couple ways:

  1. By accessing the page with the list of timesheets. On the last column, it shows when the last action was taken on the timesheet.

  2. For a more in-depth view, you can click into a timesheet's page and click the audit button on the top right of the screen. This will show each action taken on the timesheet, when the action was completed and by who.

If the timesheet has not been approved on time, but approved by the next deadline, it will roll over to the next week's payroll.

Umbrella contractor - If the timesheet has been approved by the deadline, please contact your umbrella company to ensure there are no delays with payment.

If your timesheet has been approved by the Tuesday midnight deadline and your umbrella company confirms no payment has been sent to them for your timesheet, please use the live chat on the Raise platform or contact

Payments take place up to Friday at 5pm - for clarity on when the payment may take place, please contact your umbrella company.

Limited contractor - If your timesheet has been approved by the Tuesday midnight, please use the live chat on the Raise platform or contact

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